dpl copied to clipboard
unable to find firebase hosting public directory
I have setup firebase deployment in travis.yml as below
provider: firebase
I can see the Firebase token getting set properly in logs as below
Setting environment variables from .travis.yml
$ export FIREBASE_TOKEN=[secure]
But it is not able to find the public directory for firebase deployment. Got the below error
Error: Specified public directory 'public' does not exist, can't deploy hosting to site
I did a debug and ran necessary scripts like travis_run_before_script, travis_run_script, etc., to verify if the public folder exists. Below is the output of ls
travis@travis-job-79c69886-1ad5-417d-9ea0-0278ad8e61c7:~/build/<PROJECT_FOLDER>$ ls
firebase.json node_modules package.json package-lock.json public Readme.md src
My firebase.json
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
I logged back into debug mode and ran the necessary scripts
travis_run_before_script, travis_run_script.
Then ran
gem install dpl --pre
dpl firebase --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
This deployed the stuffs to firebase.
Not sure why it wont find the public folder when we let it handle deployment on its own.
But the status of the build was still Errored. Wasnt sure how to make that successful while in debug mode
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