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Is there a reference for .travis.yml file?
Hi there, I wonder if there is a reference doc or schema for the .travis.yml file. So I could figure out the travis configuration globally, thanks!
Yes, You can refer to TRAVIS CI or Refer My repository which is implemented for 8 differenet languages (
Yes, You can refer to TRAVIS CI or Refer My repository which is implemented for 8 differenet languages (
Thanks for the kind reply
Thanks for contributing to this issue. As it has been 90 days since the last activity, we are automatically closing the issue. This is often because the request was already solved in some way and it just wasn't updated or it's no longer applicable. If that's not the case, please do feel free to either reopen this issue or open a new one. We'll gladly take a look again! You can read more here:
Duplicate of #2004