second.pytorch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
second.pytorch copied to clipboard

cannot import name 'VoxelGeneratorV2'

Open zhongzhuonan opened this issue 4 years ago • 15 comments

  File "/home/zzn/Object_Detection/second.pytorch/second/builder/", line 3, in <module>
    from spconv.utils import VoxelGeneratorV2
ImportError: cannot import name 'VoxelGeneratorV2'

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zstd 1.3.7 h0b5b093_0

I successfully installed spconv If you know anything, please let me know. Thank you.

zhongzhuonan avatar Mar 06 '20 04:03 zhongzhuonan

I encounter the same issue. Did you solve it?

JingyaLiu avatar Apr 10 '20 00:04 JingyaLiu

I encounter the same issue. Did you solve it?

sorry,I didn't solve it .

zhongzhuonan avatar Apr 12 '20 13:04 zhongzhuonan

use spconv a6ae896 worked

chasingw avatar May 27 '20 03:05 chasingw

use spconv a6ae896 worked

thank you

zhongzhuonan avatar May 27 '20 09:05 zhongzhuonan

I encounter the same issue. Did you solve it?

Zone-w avatar Nov 03 '20 01:11 Zone-w

spconv a6ae896 请问怎么使用spconv a6ae896

sixcomicpen avatar Mar 31 '22 08:03 sixcomicpen

use spconv a6ae896 worked

Sorry to ditribute u, but how to use the spconv a6ae896.

Dowe-dong avatar Jul 21 '22 03:07 Dowe-dong

use spconv a6ae896 worked

Sorry to ditribute u, but how to use the spconv a6ae896.

just clone spconv repo and git check out a6ae896

chasingw avatar Jul 27 '22 03:07 chasingw

@chasingw Sorry, i did not get how to solve this issue. Could you please be more clear ?

Thank you.

rohithsaro avatar Sep 08 '22 12:09 rohithsaro

@traveller59 I also encountered the same issue. I checked the branch whose commit id=a6ae896, then it was found to be the branch of spconv.1.1. How can I use VoxelGeneratorV2 in spcon.2.x ? Now I'm using PyPI version of spconv. Should I do git clone ~~/spconv and add it to pip manually ?

Thank you.

menma-at-here avatar Oct 14 '22 04:10 menma-at-here

I occasionally find it is enough to just copy&paste the older "VoxelGenerator" into the newer code, since VoxelGenerator is just an independent class.

lixinghe1999 avatar May 03 '23 03:05 lixinghe1999

I occasionally find it is enough to just copy&paste the older "VoxelGenerator" into the newer code, since VoxelGenerator is just an independent class.

You are right. I successfully pasted the previous versions of the "VoxelGenerator" and "VoxelGeneratorV2" classes into the new version. thank you

yuezhao1 avatar May 21 '23 08:05 yuezhao1

I occasionally find it is enough to just copy&paste the older "VoxelGenerator" into the newer code, since VoxelGenerator is just an independent class.

You are right. I successfully pasted the previous versions of the "VoxelGenerator" and "VoxelGeneratorV2" classes into the new version. thank you

@yuezhao1 hey! I want to know how this step is done, I don't quite understand "pasted the previous versions of the "VoxelGenerator" and "VoxelGeneratorV2" classes into the new version" ,can you give me more details? Thanks!!!

Anna1ximi avatar Sep 05 '23 04:09 Anna1ximi

I occasionally find it is enough to just copy&paste the older "VoxelGenerator" into the newer code, since VoxelGenerator is just an independent class.

You are right. I successfully pasted the previous versions of the "VoxelGenerator" and "VoxelGeneratorV2" classes into the new version. thank you

Can u share the code ? And could please tell me how to do with pasting? I have the same question

sidiangongyuan avatar Sep 10 '23 11:09 sidiangongyuan

I occasionally find it is enough to just copy&paste the older "VoxelGenerator" into the newer code, since VoxelGenerator is just an independent class.

resolved, thank you!

leo038 avatar Feb 25 '24 15:02 leo038