Trask Stalnaker

Results 339 comments of Trask Stalnaker

hi @anumalasri! can you give a concrete example of a current dependency name, and what you would like to change it to? thx!

no, sorry for the noise, that commit isn't related to this issue

hi @aelmanaa! are you using org.apache.http.nio.client.HttpAsyncClient? if so, that should be supported or does wso2 have its own http client implementation built on top of org.apache.http.nio primitives?

hey @sharebear! there's a preview available in the Azure Functions environment that allows you to automatically attach the javaagent if you want to give that a try instead of manually...

@sharebear are you using Azure Functions Consumption plan, or Dedicated/Premium plan?

hi @Questlog, thanks for the detailed findings! I've pulled in the fix from into the latest SNAPSHOT build, can you test this out and let usknow if it resolves...

> The trace containing the exception still looks odd though ya, I believe this is unavoidable with the pure auto-instrumentation approach, see

hi @lidkowiak @emmansun can you confirm your reason for wanting to turn of the default metrics below? is it for cost, or for other reasons? thx!

hi @bvahdat, thanks for reporting this! This looks like an issue with "standalone" logs (logs that aren't part of a request). Previously "standalone" logs would each generate their own "operation...

hi @bvahdat, Is Application Insights auto-capturing a request telemetry record for the Azure ServiceBus listener? If it is, then I would expect the log to be tied to that "request"....