This looks like the expected result. As suggested [here]( and [here](, you might review your expectation or precision.
You might look at a custom `PaintScale`, for [example](
In the example cited, it looks like you could change the value bounds, `lowerBound` & `upperBound`, and the hue bounds, `H1` & `H2`.
Your Java `headless` and environment `DISPLAY` settings may influence this, too.
>Is jfree related to the system? JFreeChart is pure Java, but the Java runtime relies on the system. As suggested [here](, you may need to enable `headless` mode—"a system configuration...
Why not `java -Djava.awt.headless=true…`?
Are you saying that headless mode precludes `RenderingHints`? What happens without them? Also check your `DISPLAY` environment variable and [window manager](
As shown [here](, "a component can only exist in one parent at a time."
The single parent rule is not version specific, for [example]( The exact solution will depend on your use-case, but you should be able to construct a new `ChartPanel` from your...
I frequently migrate charts from v1.0.19 to v1.5.x with the default fonts, but I haven't encountered this. Do you have a short example and font that reproduces this.