Florian Frouin
Florian Frouin
Use terraform 0.11.11 : `docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data --workdir=/data hashicorp/terraform:0.11.11 init` `docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data --workdir=/data hashicorp/terraform:0.11.11 apply`
Up !
Did someone tried with that? : https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/software/rest/api-group-deployments/#api-rest-deployments-0-1-bulk-post The jira/gha integration works by looking for issue keys in each commits deployed. I guess most of the time the deployment trigger comes...
No more MTLS required!!! We're close from paradize! :) (+ebpf and we would have a fully featured replacement for service-meshes)
After few research it seams to be in ToastifyWebAuthAPI.dll. I assume it's not open sourced... the thing is that I would like to do something similar on osx. The goal...
Hi, Here's an update about ambassador which now have both CRD ([datawire/ambassador#482](https://github.com/datawire/ambassador/issues/482#event-2352278755)) and and client go.
Maybe Metabrainz should begin a project for a distributed database (blockchain ?) fingerprinting service ? O:) As alternative : - https://developer.gracenote.com/ (Commercial) - https://acoustid.org/webservice (Open-source) I'll try to make Scrobbyl...
For the second point, is that possible to do something like this (?) in output.tf : ``` output "master-ip" { if ${contains(scaleway_server.kubernetes_master.public_ip, ",")} { value = "${join(",", scaleway_server.kubernetes_master.public_ip)}" } else...