utils copied to clipboard
Small useful utilities for everyday work
- Every tiny cent helps a lot!
This is essentially my ~/bin:
A collection of smaller and larger scripts that help me get by doing everyday tasks, yet they don't deserve their own repository.
A few scripts explained below by extracting the abstract using utils_readme.
- 1984 - fun with pv
- absname - you can't trust $PWD in linux
- abstract - extract abstract from given file(s)
- album - get a quick list of albums by name
- albumlist - display all albums by artist
- albums_by_artist - display all unique albums by artist
- alias - display zsh aliases
- all_unicode - print all unicode chars
- amigaremix_dump - rip all songs from amigaremix.com - in parallel
- amigaremix_dump_noprereq - rip all songs from amigaremix.com
- amigaremix_dump_selenium - yet another amigaremix Dumper, this time using selenium
- ansi_pacman - pacman with ansi colors
- ansic - show defined ansi colors
- artists-by-letter - how many artists in each top level directory?
- author - print japh author
- autorepeat_some - turn off autorepeat for all keys but some
- bake - build perl stuff
- basenamep - grab input from stdin and basename it
- beet-dupes-in-fs - find dupes created by beets in filesystem
- beet-import-singles - importing single tracks and placing them where they belong
- beet-import-singles-to-label - importing single tracks and placing according to label
- beet-ls-albums - list paths of albums matching query in beets database
- beet-ls-albums-by-label - list albums by artist and show record label, helper for
- beet-np-info - show all available beets info for now playing song in mpd
- beet-selfripped - list albums I've ripped myself
- beet-smart-import.pl - auto-specify albumtype if possible on beet import
- beet-symlink-query - symlink the results of a beets query
- beet-update - beet update that will NOT change any tags, neither move files around
- bigrand - generate n random numbers
- bob - mount bob the boxeebox
- bolaget - is the systembolaget open today?
- bold - bold input
- build - install missing modules automagically
- by_extension - fetch filetype information based on extensions
- c256-grey-colorscheme - generate a grey 256 color colorscheme
- calc - simple calculator
- catimg - cat images to the terminal
- cconvert - convert to/from bin, oct, hex, dec
- clarify - show line endings
- clean - clean up a release dir
- clftail - color-follow-tail for access.log
- clipboard-to-primary - send data from XA_CLIPBOARD to XA_PRIMARY
- clipboard-to-primary-sync - send data from XA_CLIPBOARD to XA_PRIMARY
- colorclock - a terminal color clock
- colorls - ls with colors
- colorscheme - change ansi colorscheme to mine
- colorscheme-256 - change 256 colorscheme to mine
- colorx - print defined colors in an X shape
- cpan-regulars - cpan regular releasers
- crossmake - makes cross's in all kinds of shapes and colors
- cs_preview.vim - colorscheme previews in vim
- ddp - use Data::Dumper to dump data from stdin
- define - look up words in the terminal
- dircolors2vim - generate vim syntax file for defined LS_COLORS
- dirnamep - grab input from stdin and dirname it
- dltrack - track a file while it's being downloaded
- dmesg-a - a colored dmesg
- domain_gen - generate a valid domain name
- domain_snatch - generate a valid domain name and snatch it
- dumper - use Data::Dumper to dump data from stdin
- dupe_tv_by_episode - only keep the best quality tv show
- dusch - what's eating all the space?
- duschiamej - what's eating all the space, take two?
- e - grep artist release(s)
- everywhere - run cmd everywhere
- exifdel - delete all exif data from photos
- exifrename - rename (copy) recovered jpgs to something sensible
- facebook_url_count - how many times have $url been shared on facebook?
- facebook_user_info - print information for $user on facebook
- filebytype - move files to dirs compelling to actual file-type
- filter_ext_lscolor - prints filetypes matching query, colored if defined in LS_COLORS
- fimpc - use fifos to control mpd using mpc
- font-atari - set terminal font to the Atari 800XL std font
- font_preview - preview all fonts in your terminal
- ft - show filetype info
- fzf-perlsub-githistory - display a perl subs git history over time
- generate-perl-package-completion-for-vim.pl - generate perl package completion for vim
- generate-tags.sh - generate tags for vim
- generate_xresources - generate a hash with colorschemes from X resources
- generate_zsh_completion - generate zsh completion
- get_ls_colors - print all defined LS_COLORS
- gh_clone_all_gists - clone all gists of username given on the command line
- gh_clone_all_user_repos.sh - clone all repos from $GITHUB_USER
- git-changed-files-to-vim - open files changed in branch cmp upstream in vim
- git-diff-syntaxhl - prettier git diff
- git-rec - perform git actions recursively
- git-top - git highscore
- gitdo - do various things on git repos
- github-referrers - get referrer urls for all github repos
- gotoalbum - goto to root directory of currently playing album
- hextermcolors - display hex values of defined terminal colors in color
- hits - show httpd resources with most hits
- html2txt - turn html into plain text
- httrack_with_linked_images - rip entire blog + linked external images
- imv - watch a dir and scp all created files therein to another host
- initial_letter - print initial letter of given word(s)
- inverse - inverse input
- invert_screen - invert the entire screen
- irssi-ignore_join_blob.pl - ignore the blob of text displayed when (re)joining a channel
- issues - list all issues relevant for me cause the github ui is worthless
- italic - italic input
- kitty_dump_colors - generate kitty colorscheme from defined term colors
- knnp-sh - now playing for knradio
- laleh-check - check if string is present in Laleh's lyrics
- limpdeg - injects n moldy playlists in mpd
- linenr - add linenr to input
- lmame - mame frontend using ratmenu
- lnes - nes frontend using ratmenu
- load - a non-interactive top
- love - love the currently playing song in mpd
- ls2 - colored ls, again
- ls3 - colored ls, yet again
- lscolorpicker - generate LS_COLORS interactively
- lsrel - list scene releases on a fs based on media type
- lyrics_update - update lyrics db on github
- m - send now playing artist to mtree
- makevimcommentheader - create vim comment headers
- md2html - convert input markdown file to html
- mkdir_extension_and_categorize - quickly sort content in dl dir into categories
- mkdr - given file.ext, mkdir file/ and move file.ext to file/file.ext
- mls - list music collection by artist
- mpd-copy-path-to-clipboard - copy now playing full path to clipboard
- mpd-goto-album-dir - goto now playing album directory
- mpd-goto-artist-dir - goto now playing artist directory
- mpd-show-coverart - display cover art for currently playing albu±:
- mpd_del - remove songs matching PATTERN from mpd playlist
- mpd_del_album - remove album from mpd playlist
- mpd_fill_mp3player - copy all loved songs from the pimpd2 database to the mp3 player
- mpd_keep - remove songs NOT matching PATTERN from mpd playlist
- mpd_playlist_fix - remove invalid entries from m3u playlists
- mpd_random_playlist - create a new playlist with n random tracks
- mpd_replace_missing_files_in_loved_db - replace missing files from pimpd2 loved db with their new location
- mpd_twmn - mpd notifications in a tiling wm
- mpd_update_status - mpd update with status
- mplayer_exec - mplayer client for mplayer daemon
- mplayerd - mplayer as a daemon
- mpnp - mplayer now-playing using Mplayer::NowPlaying
- mtree - build a tree of music releases by given artist
- music_session - start a music session in tmux
- net_on_på_sid - enable ethernet on 82579V chipsets
- nicefind - a very nice find ui
- np - mpd now playing
- np-info - dump info from beets and pimpd2 about now playing song in mpd
- np-lyrics - lyrics for currently playing song in mpd
- pacstat - pacman statisticts
- passwd_gen - generate a safe password
- peak - return human readable strings from bins
- periodic - modify fg, bg and cursor color nicely
- pilsner - what later turned into ls++
- pimpla - perl interface for mplayer using fifos
- pkgfont - list packages that includes fonts
- playlists_update - update playlists of loved songs (pimpd2 --love)
- poormansls++ - poor mans ls++, demonstrate ls_color from File::LsColor
- post - tool to aid me in writing a new blog post using jekyll
- prename - rename with perl regex
- pshot - take screenshot, transfer it to host and return url
- pwc - perl weather client
- rainbow - a rainbow in your shell
- ratrepl - ratpoison repl
- rel_old - flexget parser
- rename-tv - rename tv episodes
- rename_youtube - rename files downloaded with clive to something a bit more sensible
- rescue_chmod - chmod -x /bin/chmod, HELP
- rgb_by_index - rgb by xterm index
- rgbtohex - converts the X11 colortable RGB values to hexadecimal
- rgbxterm - term color definitions > {tty, html}
- rmfile - there's rmdir but no rmfile...
- rmtpy - given a root directory, remove empty directories or directories one level deep with only empty files in them
- rotate - rotate screen based on current rotation
- rp-groups-menu - ratpoison groups menu
- rp-runorraise - ratpoison run OR raise (hi firefox)
- rt_query - query rtorrent for files matching PATTERN
- rt_remove_torrents_by_tracker - remove all torrents from TRACKER in rtorrent
- sanitize - sanitize filenames
- sascii - interactive key inspector
- scat - a cat with syntax highlighting powers
- screen-start-or-attach - start screen or attach to a running session
- sdorfehs-definekey-tops - define keys for switching workspaces
- sdorfehs-undefinekey-tops - undefine keys for switching workspaces
- sdorfehsrepl - sdorfehs repl
- seen - abuse sticky bits etc to mark a movie or show as seen
- setallfonts - set all fonts to ARG
- setbg - set terminal background
- shift-insert - shift+insert
- shivastream - nokia n900 mpd streaming aid
- shot - take screenshot and upload to httpd
- skrot - simple scrot wrapper
- sr-rename - a little tool to clean up episodes downloaded from Sveriges Radio.
- srinfo - sveriges radio info fetcher
- srnp - now playing for sveriges radio
- sshc - change and restore bg/fg colors based on ssh host
- stderr - print input to stderr
- strip_esc - strip data from escape sequences
- tailf - color-follow-tail for access.log
- term_attr - dump all term attributes and visualize various term settings
- to_phone - scp files to the phone and place it where I want it
- today - stats on what I did do today
- topip - top ip numbers from httpd log
- topref - top referrals from httpd log
- topsi - a bunch of tops in one go
- torrent - create torrents
- traffic - visualize httpd traffic
- translate - translate
- u-arrows - unicode arrows
- u-blocks - unicode blocks
- u-boxdrawing - unicode boxes
- u-brackets - unicode brackets
- u-fullwidth - unicode fullwidth
- u-music - unicode music
- u-punctation - unicode punctation
- u-whitespace - unicode whitespace
- ucfirst - uppercase first
- uncode - transform ascii data to unicode chars
- underline - underline input
- unlove - unlove the currently playing song in mpd
- unrarec - unrar stuff recursively
- url_find - extracts URLs from data
- utils_readme - generate README.md from utils/*
- vim-time-fix-db - remove various non-file records from the vim-times db
- vim-writes-a-day - how many times a day do I type :w in vim?
- vim_old - how much time do I spend in my vim?
- vimcolors - dump vim colors to terminal
- viml - open the most recently edited file in vim
- vimsyntax - generate html from vim syntax hl
- vw - format text properly and send it to vim
- wallpaper_daemon - changes background on htpc connected tv every $sleep seconds
- wgetdarknet - rip directory listing on darknet
- whatfont - query the terminal for the current fonts in use.
- whoa-netplay-ripper.pl - download all netplays from whoa.nu
- xdgdirs - check that XDG_* dirs are defined
- xfiles.sh - the x-files theme!
- youtube2mp3 - rip audio from youtube
- ♫ - set oss4 audio levels