ffmpeg-concat copied to clipboard
"No space left on device" /tmp
1 my system
linux 5.6.15.arch1-1
node v14.3.0
npm 6.14.5
2 install ffmpeg-concat
$ npm install -g ffmpeg-concat
$ npm -g list
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- I've shown only those packages that differ from those in the package.json.
3 test runs with a sample file
Not having any success with my own mp4's, I tried with small samples found online (11 Sample video files | MP4 sample download), and got exactly the same errors reported here:
$ ffmpeg-concat -o two.mp4 sample-mp4-file.mp4 sample-mp4-file.mp4
concat error Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: size= 199kB time=00:00:12.72 bitrate= 128.4kbits/s speed=25.4x
av_interleaved_write_frame(): No space left on device
Error writing trailer of /tmp/de5341b43e47728da7a38df2cd40070c/scene-1.mp3: No space left on device
$ df -h
tmpfs 974M 20K 974M 1% /tmp
2 js
Prepare sample-mp4-file.js
const concat = require('ffmpeg-concat')
// concat 3 mp4s together using 2 500ms directionalWipe transitions
async function FFmpegConcat(){
await concat({
output: 'two.mp4',
videos: [
transition: {
name: 'directionalWipe',
duration: 500
Run it:
$ node sample-mp4-file.js
(node:28280) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ffmpeg exited with code 1: size= 181kB time=00:00:11.52 bitrate= 128.5kbits/s speed= 23x
av_interleaved_write_frame(): No space left on device
Error writing trailer of /tmp/5be9e0e7bd9c86f27baeb9112c10903b/scene-0.mp3: No space left on device
I ran into the same error, is there any solution/workaround for this?
@harriott @hellno This is due to #8. Set frameFormat
to png
and it will consume a fraction of the space, but it will still take a long time. I am trying out https://github.com/mifi/editly since it uses streams.