flutter_background_geolocation copied to clipboard
[HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
Your Environment
Plugin version: ^4.3.3
Platform: Android
flutter 2.10.0
Device manufacturer / model: SAMSUMG A70
Plugin config
void backgroundFetchHeadlessTask(HeadlessTask task) async {
var taskId = task.taskId;
var timeout = task.timeout;
if (timeout) {
print("[BackgroundFetch] Headless task timed-out: $taskId");
print("[BackgroundFetch] Headless event received: $taskId");
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver') {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks') {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint') {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations') {
await BackgroundFetch.configure(
minimumFetchInterval: 60,
forceAlarmManager: false,
stopOnTerminate: false,
startOnBoot: true,
enableHeadless: true,
requiresBatteryNotLow: false,
requiresCharging: false,
requiresStorageNotLow: false,
requiresDeviceIdle: false,
requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.NONE,
), (String taskId) async {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver') {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks') {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations') {
if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint') {
}, (String taskId) async {
await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver",
delay: 1800000,
periodic: true,
forceAlarmManager: false,
stopOnTerminate: false,
requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.NONE,
startOnBoot: true,
enableHeadless: true,
await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks",
delay: 60000,
periodic: true,
forceAlarmManager: true,
startOnBoot: true,
requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.ANY,
stopOnTerminate: false,
enableHeadless: true,
await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations",
delay: 60000,
periodic: true,
requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.ANY,
forceAlarmManager: true,
stopOnTerminate: false,
startOnBoot: true,
enableHeadless: true,
await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint",
delay: 60000,
periodic: true,
requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.ANY,
forceAlarmManager: true,
stopOnTerminate: false,
startOnBoot: true,
enableHeadless: true,
await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.ready(
locationUpdateInterval: 60000,
persistMode: bg.Config.PERSIST_MODE_GEOFENCE,
desiredAccuracy: bg.Config.DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH,
distanceFilter: 10000.0,
enableHeadless: true,
stopOnTerminate: false,
startOnBoot: true,
notification: bg.Notification(
smallIcon: "drawable/ic_launcher_notification",
sticky: true,
title: user.profile?.firstName?.trim() != null ? '${user.profile?.firstName?.trim()} tienes una operación en curso' : "Operación en curso",
strings: {},
layout: "",
actions: [],
text: 'Recuerda completar todas tus tareas.',
showsBackgroundLocationIndicator: true,
backgroundPermissionRationale: bg.PermissionRationale(
title: "Permitir que DeltaX acceda a la ubicación de este dispositivo incluso cuando esté cerca o no esté en uso?",
message: "DeltaX recopila datos de tu ubicación, para realizar seguimiento a las cargas que transportas",
positiveAction: "Cambiar a 'Permitir todo el tiempo'",
negativeAction: "Cancelar",
locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always',
debug: false,
await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.start();
// bg.BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig(config)
await BackgroundFetch.start();
Debug logs
- Android:
$ adb logcat
02-24 16:18:42.181 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:18:42.195 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations]
02-24 16:18:42.196 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint
02-24 16:18:42.209 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint]
02-24 16:18:42.210 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:42.210 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:42.210 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:58.373 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks
02-24 16:18:58.384 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks]
02-24 16:18:58.384 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:58.392 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:18:58.399 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations]
02-24 16:18:58.399 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.043 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks
02-24 16:19:00.047 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks]
02-24 16:19:00.048 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.062 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:19:00.066 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations]
02-24 16:19:00.068 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.080 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint
02-24 16:19:00.084 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint]
02-24 16:19:00.092 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.359 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint
02-24 16:19:00.365 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint]
02-24 16:19:00.365 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:07:43.997 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - configure
02-24 16:07:43.997 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - start
02-24 16:07:43.997 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: flutter_background_fetch
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "taskId": "flutter_background_fetch",
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "isFetchTask": true,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "minimumFetchInterval": 60,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiredNetworkType": 0,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "forceAlarmManager": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "delay": -1
02-24 16:07:44.000 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: com.deltaxlat.appdriver
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "taskId": "com.deltaxlat.appdriver",
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "isFetchTask": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "minimumFetchInterval": 15,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiredNetworkType": 0,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "forceAlarmManager": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "delay": 1800000
02-24 16:07:44.039 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "taskId": "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks",
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "isFetchTask": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "minimumFetchInterval": 15,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiredNetworkType": 1,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "forceAlarmManager": true,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "delay": 60000
02-24 16:07:44.069 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "taskId": "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations",
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "isFetchTask": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "minimumFetchInterval": 15,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiredNetworkType": 1,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "forceAlarmManager": true,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: "delay": 60000
02-24 16:07:44.119 9956 9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:14:26.321 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - start
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: flutter_background_fetch
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "taskId": "flutter_background_fetch",
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "isFetchTask": true,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "minimumFetchInterval": 60,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiredNetworkType": 0,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "forceAlarmManager": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "periodic": true,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: "delay": -1
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
You are not calling .registerHeadlessTask.
see the api docs Config.enableHeadless and carefully follow all the required steps.
You are not calling .registerHeadlessTask.
see the api docs Config.enableHeadless and carefully follow all the required steps.
I tell you that I have implementing registerHeadlessTask I forgot to mention it in Plugin config A few months ago it was working fine, and now it only works in the foreground or background.
I forgot to mention it in Plugin config
If you don’t show all applicable code, I can only assume you’re doing it wrong.
Also, the issue template asked you to post the result of $ flutter doctor
You ignored that.
Also, the issue template asked you to post the result of
$ flutter doctor
.You ignored that.
git del proyecto. URL PROYECTO FILES involved in configuration
I don't know if you can understand my project, but that would be all the configuration I've done and it worked like 3 months ago, I didn't really touch anything, other than updating versions of flutter and the library itself.
It would be supportive, help me, since I have a license purchased with you
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.0, on Microsoft Windows [Versión 10.0.22000.493], locale es-BO) [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.0.0) [√] Chrome - develop for the web [√] Android Studio (version 2021.1) [√] VS Code (version 1.64.2) [√] Connected device (3 available) [√] HTTP Host Availability
a thousand apologies, I was wrong again....
this is link. I'm sorry a thousand times again.
This is the real URL PROYECTO
I have this last log, will it be related to the library?
02-25 00:01:19.431 8587 8587 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver 02-25 00:01:19.447 8587 8587 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver] 02-25 00:01:19.531 8587 8587 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/shell.cc(93)] Dart Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: No top-level getter '_Smc' declared. 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : Receiver: top-level 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : Tried calling: _Smc, stack trace: Warning: This VM has been configured to produce stack traces that violate the Dart standard. 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : pid: 8587, tid: 8685, name Unknown 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : build_id: 'aed21ea8f9f60429c5ceff9c52da6de6' 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : isolate_dso_base: 7ca8a8d000, vm_dso_base: 7ca8a8d000 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : isolate_instructions: 7ca8d05d70, vm_instructions: 7ca8d01000 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : #00 abs 0000007ca8d0ce8b virt 000000000027fe8b _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x711b 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_isolate.cc(681)] Could not resolve main entrypoint function. 02-25 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_isolate.cc(165)] Could not run the run main Dart entrypoint. 02-25 00:01:19.701 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/runtime_controller.cc(381)] Could not create root isolate. 02-25 00:01:19.701 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/shell.cc(580)] Could not launch engine with configuration. 02-25 00:01:19.764 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver 02-25 00:01:19.766 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver] 02-25 00:01:19.781 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - finish: com.deltaxlat.appdriver 02-25 00:01:19.781 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - jobFinished 02-25 00:01:19.858 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: flutter_background_fetch 02-25 00:01:19.858 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask flutter_background_fetch] 02-25 00:01:19.862 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - finish: flutter_background_fetch 02-25 00:01:19.862 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - jobFinished
Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: No top-level getter '_Smc' declared. 02-25 00:01:19.699 [8587 8685](tel:8587 8685) E flutter : Receiver: top-level
This has nothing to do with the plugin.
please create for me a simple HelloWorld app which reproduces the error. Share it to me in a public GitHub repo.
@christocracy CONFIG
FLUTTER : 2.10.0
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.0'
flutter_background_geolocation: ^4.3.4
background_fetch: ^1.0.3
I just created a project from scratch and the same problem exists. HERE YOU HAVE THE REPOSITORY PROYECT GITHUB
Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: No top-level getter '_Smc' declared. 02-25 00:01:19.699 [8587 8685](tel:8587 8685) E flutter : Receiver: top-level
This has nothing to do with the plugin.
please create for me a simple HelloWorld app which reproduces the error. Share it to me in a public GitHub repo.
you could see it? or am i still waiting? I would like to know if I configured it wrong.
@christocracy my friend I just caught the underlying problem of this.
I use Flutter 2.10.2 I can't downgrade because I already have nullSafety activated in my production project.
the example project of yours if it works fine with Flutter 2.2.3 all perfect!.
I just Migrated your example project to flutter 2.10.2 and it has the same error or failed behavior that I am facing on many devices.
I would like your opinion
With /example app:
$ flutter doctor
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.3, on macOS 12.2.1 21D62 darwin-x64, locale en-CA)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.0.0-rc1)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.2.1)
[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
[✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
[✓] Connected device (4 available)
[✓] HTTP Host Availability
$ ./scripts/simulate-fetch
03-10 10:46:46.284 22300 22300 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: flutter_background_fetch
03-10 10:46:46.301 22300 22300 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask flutter_background_fetch]
03-10 10:46:46.322 22300 22300 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
03-10 10:46:47.364 22300 22300 I TSBackgroundFetch: $ initialized
03-10 10:46:47.424 22300 22362 I flutter : [BackgroundFetch] HeadlessTask: flutter_background_fetch
03-10 10:46:47.522 22300 22362 I flutter : [BackgroundFetch] count: 1342
03-10 10:46:47.524 22300 22300 D TSBackgroundFetch: - finish: flutter_background_fetch
03-10 10:46:47.524 22300 22300 D TSBackgroundFetch: - jobFinished
I don't know what else to do, I don't understand why it fails, will it be my phone? I always get this error when I kill the app My setup is the same as the example.
03-10 00:01:19.431 8587 8587 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver
03-10 00:01:19.447 8587 8587 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver]
03-10 00:01:19.531 8587 8587 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/shell.cc(93)] Dart Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: No top-level getter '_Smc' declared.
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : Receiver: top-level
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : Tried calling: _Smc, stack trace: Warning: This VM has been configured to produce stack traces that violate the Dart standard.
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : pid: 8587, tid: 8685, name Unknown
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : build_id: 'aed21ea8f9f60429c5ceff9c52da6de6'
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : isolate_dso_base: 7ca8a8d000, vm_dso_base: 7ca8a8d000
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : isolate_instructions: 7ca8d05d70, vm_instructions: 7ca8d01000
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : #00 abs 0000007ca8d0ce8b virt 000000000027fe8b _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x711b
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter :
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_isolate.cc(681)] Could not resolve main entrypoint function.
03-10 00:01:19.699 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_isolate.cc(165)] Could not run the run main Dart entrypoint.
03-10 00:01:19.701 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/runtime_controller.cc(381)] Could not create root isolate.
03-10 00:01:19.701 8587 8685 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/shell.cc(580)] Could not launch engine with configuration.
03-10 00:01:19.764 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver
03-10 00:01:19.766 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver]
03-10 00:01:19.781 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - finish: com.deltaxlat.appdriver
03-10 00:01:19.781 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - jobFinished
03-10 00:01:19.858 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: flutter_background_fetch
03-10 00:01:19.858 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask flutter_background_fetch]
03-10 00:01:19.862 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - finish: flutter_background_fetch
03-10 00:01:19.862 1698 1698 D TSBackgroundFetch: - jobFinished
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. You may also mark this issue as a "discussion" and I will leave this open.