flutter_background_geolocation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter_background_geolocation copied to clipboard

Odometer Issue ( Not getting correct values )

Open abhi9991 opened this issue 4 months ago • 36 comments

Your Environment

  • Plugin version:
  • Platform: Android
  • OS version: Mentioned in the logs
  • Device manufacturer / model: VIVO
  • Flutter info (flutter doctor):
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.22.3, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.20348.2655], locale en-US)
[√] Windows Version (Installed version of Windows is version 10 or higher)
[!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 35.0.0)
! Some Android licenses not accepted. To resolve this, run: flutter doctor --android-licenses
[√] Chrome - develop for the web
[!] Visual Studio - develop Windows apps (Visual Studio Community 2022 17.11.1)
X Visual Studio is missing necessary components. Please re-run the Visual Studio installer for the "Desktop development with C++" workload, and include these components:
MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools
- If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
C++ CMake tools for Windows
Windows 10 SDK
[√] Android Studio (version 2024.1)
[√] VS Code, 64-bit edition (version 1.92.2)
[√] Connected device (4 available)
[√] Network resources

! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.
  • Plugin config:
  • flutter_background_geolocation: ^4.15.5
  • background_fetch: ^1.3.5

Background Geolocation Headless Task

// Receive events from BackgroundGeolocation in Headless state.ksdnsknd
void backgroundGeolocationHeadlessTask(bg.HeadlessEvent headlessEvent) async {
switch (headlessEvent.name) {
case bg.Event.BOOT:
bg.State state = await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.state;
print('📬 didDeviceReboot: ${state.didDeviceReboot}');
case bg.Event.TERMINATE:
try {
bg.Location location = await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.getCurrentPosition(samples: 1, extras: {'event': 'terminate', 'headless': true});
print('[getCurrentPosition] Headless: $location');
} catch (e) {
case bg.Event.HEARTBEAT:
case bg.Event.LOCATION:
bg.Location location = headlessEvent.event;
case bg.Event.MOTIONCHANGE:
bg.Location location = headlessEvent.event;
case bg.Event.GEOFENCE:
bg.GeofenceEvent geofenceEvent = headlessEvent.event;
bg.GeofencesChangeEvent event = headlessEvent.event;
case bg.Event.SCHEDULE:
bg.State state = headlessEvent.event;
bg.ActivityChangeEvent event = headlessEvent.event;
case bg.Event.HTTP:
bg.HttpEvent event = headlessEvent.event;
bool enabled = headlessEvent.event;
bg.ConnectivityChangeEvent event = headlessEvent.event;
case bg.Event.ENABLEDCHANGE:
bool enabled = headlessEvent.event;
case bg.Event.AUTHORIZATION:
bg.AuthorizationEvent event = headlessEvent.event;
bg.Config(url: 'exmaple.com/AddLocation', headers: {'Authorization': "Bearer ${prefs!.getString('token')}"}));

Background Fetch Headless Task

/// Receive events from BackgroundFetch in Headless state.
void backgroundFetchHeadlessTask(bf.HeadlessTask task) async {
String taskId = task.taskId;
// Is this a background_fetch timeout event? If so, simply #finish and bail-out.
if (task.timeout) {

try {
await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.getCurrentPosition(samples: 1, timeout: 30, extras: {'event': 'background-fetch', 'headless': true})
.then((v) {})
.onError((e, s) {})
.catchError((e) {});
} catch (error) {

// -------------- STORE CONNECTIVITY DETAILS -------------------
log('Background Fetch:===> triggered');

await storeConnectivityInfoLocally();
// void stopPeriodicTimer() {
// if (timer != null) {
// timer!.cancel();
// isTimerRunning = false;
// print('Timer canceled');
// }
// }


Flutter.Background.Location.Logs.txt DATA Location_Data.xlsx

Expected Behavior


Actual Behavior


Steps to Reproduce


Debug logs


║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.405 et=+5d23h46m5s573ms alt=187.20001220703125 vAcc=7.8013787 vel=3.503833 sAcc=3.4 bear=88.446266 bAcc=29.8]
╟─ Age: 339ms, time: 1727940538290

10-03 12:58:58.630 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -14.81
10-03 12:58:58.631 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 75, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 12:58:58.632 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 12:58:58.632 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 12:58:58.683 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 76, eventCount: 1]
10-03 12:58:58.684 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.405 et=+5d23h46m5s573ms alt=187.20001220703125 vAcc=7.8013787 vel=3.503833 sAcc=3.4 bear=88.446266 bAcc=29.8]
╟─ Age: 394ms, time: 1727940538290

10-03 12:58:58.685 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 12:58:58.685 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 12:58:58.685 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -14.81
10-03 12:58:58.686 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 76, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 12:58:58.752 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 12:58:58.753 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 5406bbe5-7aca-4c57-bfd7-013d14c171fd
10-03 12:58:58.755 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task stop] ⏳ stopBackgroundTask: 11
10-03 12:58:58.756 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:00:04.492 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 77, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:04.494 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:00:04.496 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 77, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:08.572 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 78, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:08.573 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:00:08.579 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 78, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:08.664 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 79, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:08.666 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=27.95 et=+5d23h47m15s683ms alt=186.70001220703125 vAcc=3.720969]
╟─ Age: 265ms, time: 1727940608401

10-03 13:00:08.668 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:08.668 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 331.67996
10-03 13:00:08.668 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 367.03497, apparent speed: 5.23513
10-03 13:00:08.668 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:00:08.668 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:00:08.669 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 27316.387
10-03 13:00:08.670 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:00:08.678 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 130110ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:00:08.681 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 0af20ffc-b80e-4b00-b90e-2470caafb83d
10-03 13:00:08.682 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 79, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:08.684 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 1)

10-03 13:00:08.692 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:00:08.722 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task start] ⏳ startBackgroundTask: 12
10-03 13:00:08.726 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:00:08.726 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 0af20ffc-b80e-4b00-b90e-2470caafb83d
10-03 13:00:13.824 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 80, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:13.825 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=128.899 et=+5d23h47m20s682ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=35.448284]
╟─ Age: 426ms, time: 1727940613400

10-03 13:00:13.826 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:13.826 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 362.18964, apparent speed: 72.452415
10-03 13:00:13.826 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 33.757
10-03 13:00:13.828 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:00:13.837 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 9871095b-59b7-4e13-abe5-880287d69bff
10-03 13:00:13.871 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:00:13.876 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:00:13.880 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:00:13.883 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:00:13.884 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:00:13.886 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 80, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:13.887 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:00:18.936 WARN [HttpService$f onFailure] 
  ⚠️  Response: 0, timeout
10-03 13:00:18.941 WARN [HttpService$f onFailure] 
  ⚠️  example.com is not responding.  Will try again after 10 records.
10-03 13:00:18.942 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:00:18.945 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO unlock] 
  ✅  UNLOCKED: 0af20ffc-b80e-4b00-b90e-2470caafb83d
10-03 13:00:18.946 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task stop] ⏳ stopBackgroundTask: 12
10-03 13:00:18.951 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: http_flush in 900000ms (jobID: 1267146893)
10-03 13:00:20.389 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 81, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:20.389 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=8.5 et=+5d23h47m27s487ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=35.516335 vel=0.0 sAcc=2.0]
╟─ Age: 185ms, time: 1727940620204

10-03 13:00:20.389 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:00:20.389 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:20.389 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -17.0
10-03 13:00:20.390 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 81, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:20.390 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 294.98608, apparent speed: 43.34843
10-03 13:00:20.391 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 33.757
10-03 13:00:20.393 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 27386.555
10-03 13:00:20.402 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:00:20.406 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 78db551e-4f44-4159-9c41-20f0105ca56f
10-03 13:00:20.412 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 3)

10-03 13:00:29.411 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 82, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:29.412 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 186ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:00:29.413 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 135.88469
10-03 13:00:29.413 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:29.413 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:00:29.413 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:00:29.414 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:00:29.418 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 155.5577, apparent speed: 17.24204
10-03 13:00:29.418 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 69022ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:00:29.418 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:00:29.419 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 27542.113
10-03 13:00:29.429 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 82, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:29.441 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:00:29.446 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: a96ff7a3-f0da-4b8a-9fbe-4965f590719d
10-03 13:00:29.462 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 4)

10-03 13:00:29.588 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 83, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:29.593 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 367ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:00:29.593 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:29.594 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:00:29.596 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:00:29.650 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:00:29.670 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:00:29.681 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:00:29.682 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:00:29.694 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 83, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:29.807 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 84, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:29.809 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 582ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:00:29.809 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:00:29.810 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -22.346
10-03 13:00:29.811 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 84, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:29.813 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:29.813 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:00:29.817 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:00:29.952 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 85, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:00:29.954 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 727ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:00:29.956 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -22.346
10-03 13:00:29.957 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 85, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:00:29.959 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:00:29.960 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:01:01.391 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 86, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:01:01.394 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.95 et=+5d23h48m8s509ms alt=184.10000610351562 vAcc=6.964893 vel=9.067404 sAcc=1.5 bear=8.992896 bAcc=5.7]
╟─ Age: 168ms, time: 1727940661226

10-03 13:01:01.394 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:01:01.394 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 288.11038
10-03 13:01:01.394 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->450.0)
10-03 13:01:01.395 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:01:01.396 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:01:01.396 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 302.2334, apparent speed: 9.444794
10-03 13:01:01.397 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 27.95
10-03 13:01:01.397 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 27844.348
10-03 13:01:01.400 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 92000ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:01:01.408 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 8a0fccc6-e427-465c-93eb-6647932e31ec
10-03 13:01:01.409 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 86, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:01:01.410 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 5)

10-03 13:01:01.414 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:01:01.454 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 87, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:01:01.454 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.95 et=+5d23h48m8s509ms alt=184.10000610351562 vAcc=6.964893 vel=9.067404 sAcc=1.5 bear=8.992896 bAcc=5.7]
╟─ Age: 228ms, time: 1727940661226

10-03 13:01:01.456 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:01:01.456 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:01:01.459 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:01:01.471 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:01:01.477 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:01:01.478 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:01:01.479 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:01:01.479 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 87, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:01:01.530 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 88, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:01:01.531 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.95 et=+5d23h48m8s509ms alt=184.10000610351562 vAcc=6.964893 vel=9.067404 sAcc=1.5 bear=8.992896 bAcc=5.7]
╟─ Age: 305ms, time: 1727940661226

10-03 13:01:01.531 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:01:01.531 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:01:01.531 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -5.9
10-03 13:01:01.531 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:01:01.532 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 88, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:01:01.535 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:01:01.615 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 89, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:01:01.615 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.95 et=+5d23h48m8s509ms alt=184.10000610351562 vAcc=6.964893 vel=9.067404 sAcc=1.5 bear=8.992896 bAcc=5.7]
╟─ Age: 389ms, time: 1727940661226

10-03 13:01:01.615 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -5.9
10-03 13:01:01.616 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:01:01.616 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:01:01.616 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 89, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:01:51.364 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 90, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:01:51.365 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.694 et=+5d23h48m58s507ms alt=184.20001220703125 vAcc=1.4227531 vel=9.775523 sAcc=1.1 bear=20.015413 bAcc=4.0]
╟─ Age: 140ms, time: 1727940711224

10-03 13:01:51.366 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:01:51.366 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 450.32663, apparent speed: 9.006893
10-03 13:01:51.366 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 444.68262
10-03 13:01:51.367 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 23.691
10-03 13:01:51.367 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:01:51.367 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 28294.674
10-03 13:01:51.372 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:01:51.377 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 6eb0d540-66b6-4352-ae19-231b78c8d4af
10-03 13:01:51.380 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 109998ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:01:51.384 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 6)

10-03 13:01:51.387 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 90, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:01:51.394 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:02:09.290 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 91, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:09.294 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:02:09.301 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 91, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:20.973 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 92, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:20.973 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:02:20.974 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 92, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:31.377 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 93, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:31.377 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:02:31.378 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 93, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:31.624 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 94, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:31.624 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:02:31.624 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 94, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:41.745 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 95, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:41.746 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=53.709 et=+5d23h49m47s192ms alt=184.70001220703125 vAcc=3.9752886 vel=7.80608 sAcc=1.5 bear=341.99124 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 1836ms, time: 1727940759909

10-03 13:02:41.747 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:02:41.749 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 498.72766, apparent speed: 10.24397
10-03 13:02:41.750 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:02:41.753 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 23.691
10-03 13:02:41.754 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 28793.402
10-03 13:02:41.757 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:02:41.766 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: ba2a718e-f39f-4527-b6f2-510fa7895644
10-03 13:02:41.768 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:02:41.769 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 7)

10-03 13:02:41.774 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:02:41.775 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:02:41.776 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 95, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:41.786 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:02:43.563 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 96, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:43.563 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=31.204 et=+5d23h49m50s709ms alt=184.70001220703125 vAcc=4.0104585 vel=2.0683937 sAcc=3.2 bear=66.664215 bAcc=71.4]
╟─ Age: 137ms, time: 1727940763427

10-03 13:02:43.566 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:02:43.566 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:02:43.566 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 23.691
10-03 13:02:43.566 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -62.408
10-03 13:02:43.566 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 96, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:43.569 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:02:43.570 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 95a4ebe6-1c98-4312-8972-e33a59c00eec
10-03 13:02:43.572 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 8)

10-03 13:02:55.420 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 97, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:55.421 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.266 et=+5d23h50m2s507ms alt=184.70001220703125 vAcc=4.1284385 vel=10.518763 sAcc=0.8 bear=14.999329 bAcc=2.8]
╟─ Age: 196ms, time: 1727940775224

10-03 13:02:55.421 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:02:55.421 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 118.343475
10-03 13:02:55.421 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:02:55.421 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:02:55.423 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 151.81348, apparent speed: 12.86773
10-03 13:02:55.423 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 11.173
10-03 13:02:55.423 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 28972.236
10-03 13:02:55.423 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:02:55.430 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 71798ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:02:55.440 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: e905b246-628d-49aa-ad6f-7b86c847ccad
10-03 13:02:55.447 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 9)

10-03 13:02:55.448 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 97, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:55.456 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:02:55.532 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 98, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:55.532 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.266 et=+5d23h50m2s507ms alt=184.70001220703125 vAcc=4.1284385 vel=10.518763 sAcc=0.8 bear=14.999329 bAcc=2.8]
╟─ Age: 308ms, time: 1727940775224

10-03 13:02:55.533 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:02:55.538 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:02:55.541 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:02:55.563 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:02:55.597 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:02:55.610 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:02:55.610 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:02:55.615 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 98, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:55.666 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 99, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:55.667 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:02:55.667 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.266 et=+5d23h50m2s507ms alt=184.70001220703125 vAcc=4.1284385 vel=10.518763 sAcc=0.8 bear=14.999329 bAcc=2.8]
╟─ Age: 442ms, time: 1727940775224

10-03 13:02:55.667 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:02:55.667 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:02:55.667 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -4.532
10-03 13:02:55.668 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:02:55.672 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 99, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:55.757 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 100, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:02:55.757 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.266 et=+5d23h50m2s507ms alt=184.70001220703125 vAcc=4.1284385 vel=10.518763 sAcc=0.8 bear=14.999329 bAcc=2.8]
╟─ Age: 533ms, time: 1727940775224

10-03 13:02:55.758 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:02:55.758 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -4.532
10-03 13:02:55.758 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 100, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:02:55.758 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:03:38.456 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 101, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:03:38.458 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=1.95 et=+5d23h50m45s508ms alt=181.60000610351562 vAcc=4.81559 vel=10.973934 sAcc=0.9 bear=6.416765 bAcc=3.0]
╟─ Age: 232ms, time: 1727940818225

10-03 13:03:38.459 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 446.77576
10-03 13:03:38.459 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:03:38.460 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:03:38.464 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 450.99176, apparent speed: 10.487936
10-03 13:03:38.465 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:03:38.466 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 8.5
10-03 13:03:38.467 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 29423.229
10-03 13:03:38.483 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 103001ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:03:38.486 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 8d4085fe-7e30-4a63-84b4-b8519587bc69
10-03 13:03:38.491 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 101, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:03:38.497 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 10)

10-03 13:03:38.510 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:05:44.447 INFO [ScheduleEvent a] 
║ ⏰ OneShot event fired: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK

10-03 13:05:44.454 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 
  🎾  Start motion-activity updates
10-03 13:05:44.723 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 1, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:44.730 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
  🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=TILTING, confidence=100]
10-03 13:05:44.740 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:44.967 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 2, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:44.970 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
  🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=UNKNOWN, confidence=40]
10-03 13:05:44.989 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:45.118 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 3, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:45.120 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false
10-03 13:05:45.123 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask activitychange]
10-03 13:05:45.130 INFO [HeartbeatService stop] 
  🔴  Stop heartbeat
10-03 13:05:45.149 INFO [TrackingService changePace] 
  🔵  setPace: true → true
10-03 13:05:45.149 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
║ Motion Transition Result
╟─ 🎾  ENTER: in_vehicle
10-03 13:05:45.152 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 3, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:45.159 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  motionchange [TrackingService  startId: 102, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:45.160 INFO [TrackingService k] 
║ TrackingService motionchange: true

10-03 13:05:45.160 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 102, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:05:45.161 INFO [TSLocationManager a] 
║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 (3703ms old)
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=52.4 et=+5d23h52m48s741ms alt=180.60000610351562 vAcc=7.6412754 vel=0.5303229 sAcc=1.5 bear=272.2568 bAcc=45.0], time: 1727940941459

10-03 13:05:45.161 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 11.173
10-03 13:05:45.164 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:05:45.165 DEBUG [LocationAuthorization withPermission] 
  ℹ️  LocationAuthorization: Permission granted
10-03 13:05:45.186 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [LocationRequestService  startId: 1, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:45.187 INFO [SingleLocationRequest startUpdatingLocation] 
  🔵  [SingleLocationRequest start, action: 1, requestId: 3]
10-03 13:05:45.192 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:05:45.207 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 4, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:45.211 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false
10-03 13:05:45.212 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask activitychange]
10-03 13:05:45.212 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
║ Motion Transition Result
╟─ 🎾  ENTER: in_vehicle
10-03 13:05:45.212 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 4, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:45.425 DEBUG [AbstractService f] 
  ⚙️︎  ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(4): true
10-03 13:05:45.426 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 
  🔴  ActivityRecognitionService stopped
10-03 13:05:47.007 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  1:3 [LocationRequestService  startId: 2, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:47.007 INFO [TSLocationManager a] 
║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 (144ms old)
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=92.9 et=+5d23h52m54s146ms alt=180.60000610351562 vAcc=11.862891 vel=3.8679638 sAcc=1.5 bear=89.09905 bAcc=45.0], time: 1727940946864

10-03 13:05:47.008 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 11.173
10-03 13:05:47.011 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:05:47.013 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:05:48.592 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  1:3 [LocationRequestService  startId: 3, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:48.593 INFO [TSLocationManager a] 
║ motionchange LocationResult: 3 (130ms old)
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.7 et=+5d23h52m55s746ms alt=180.60000610351562 vAcc=11.878891 vel=0.46377248 sAcc=2.7 bear=180.0 bAcc=24.7], time: 1727940948463

10-03 13:05:48.595 INFO [TSLocationManager onSingleLocationResult] 
  🔵  Acquired motionchange position, isMoving: true
10-03 13:05:48.595 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 7.7
10-03 13:05:48.595 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 29809.543
10-03 13:05:48.600 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:05:48.601 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:05:48.602 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:05:48.603 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 3, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:48.604 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 187e9077-0d4d-4781-86c6-2c236593cb5c
10-03 13:05:48.606 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:05:48.607 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask motionchange]
10-03 13:05:48.607 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 11)

10-03 13:05:48.609 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService start] 
  🎾  Start motion-activity updates
10-03 13:05:48.624 DEBUG [AbstractService b] 
  🎾  STOP [LocationRequestService startId: 4, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:48.624 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [LocationRequestService startId: 4, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:48.647 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 103, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:48.648 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.7 et=+5d23h52m55s746ms alt=180.60000610351562 vAcc=11.878891 vel=0.46377248 sAcc=2.7 bear=180.0 bAcc=24.7]
╟─ Age: 184ms, time: 1727940948463

10-03 13:05:48.648 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:05:48.648 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:05:48.660 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 190238ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:05:48.663 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 103, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:05:48.669 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task start] ⏳ startBackgroundTask: 13
10-03 13:05:48.671 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:48.672 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 0af20ffc-b80e-4b00-b90e-2470caafb83d
10-03 13:05:48.834 DEBUG [AbstractService f] 
  ⚙️︎  LocationRequestService.stopSelfResult(4): true
10-03 13:05:48.834 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 
  🔴  LocationRequestService stopped
10-03 13:05:49.601 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:49.602 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:49.602 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 0af20ffc-b80e-4b00-b90e-2470caafb83d
10-03 13:05:49.611 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:49.612 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 9871095b-59b7-4e13-abe5-880287d69bff
10-03 13:05:50.158 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 1, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:50.161 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
  🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=TILTING, confidence=100]
10-03 13:05:50.163 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:50.229 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 2, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:50.231 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false
10-03 13:05:50.231 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask activitychange]
10-03 13:05:50.231 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
║ Motion Transition Result
╟─ 🎾  ENTER: in_vehicle
10-03 13:05:50.231 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 2, eventCount: 1, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:50.236 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 3, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:50.237 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
  🚘 ️DetectedActivity [type=UNKNOWN, confidence=40]
10-03 13:05:50.238 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 3, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:50.292 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [ActivityRecognitionService  startId: 4, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:05:50.292 DEBUG [ActivityRecognitionService a] *** wasMoving: true, nowMoving: true, startedMoving: false, justStopped; false
10-03 13:05:50.292 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask activitychange]
10-03 13:05:50.293 INFO [ActivityRecognitionService a] 
║ Motion Transition Result
╟─ 🎾  ENTER: in_vehicle
10-03 13:05:50.293 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [ActivityRecognitionService startId: 4, eventCount: 0, sticky: false]
10-03 13:05:50.512 DEBUG [AbstractService f] 
  ⚙️︎  ActivityRecognitionService.stopSelfResult(4): true
10-03 13:05:50.513 DEBUG [AbstractService onDestroy] 
  🔴  ActivityRecognitionService stopped
10-03 13:05:53.244 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.245 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 9871095b-59b7-4e13-abe5-880287d69bff
10-03 13:05:53.246 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.255 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.258 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 78db551e-4f44-4159-9c41-20f0105ca56f
10-03 13:05:53.313 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.314 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.314 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 78db551e-4f44-4159-9c41-20f0105ca56f
10-03 13:05:53.324 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.325 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: a96ff7a3-f0da-4b8a-9fbe-4965f590719d
10-03 13:05:53.368 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.369 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.369 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: a96ff7a3-f0da-4b8a-9fbe-4965f590719d
10-03 13:05:53.375 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.375 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 8a0fccc6-e427-465c-93eb-6647932e31ec
10-03 13:05:53.409 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.410 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.411 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 8a0fccc6-e427-465c-93eb-6647932e31ec
10-03 13:05:53.415 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.416 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 6eb0d540-66b6-4352-ae19-231b78c8d4af
10-03 13:05:53.450 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.451 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.451 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 6eb0d540-66b6-4352-ae19-231b78c8d4af
10-03 13:05:53.457 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.457 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: ba2a718e-f39f-4527-b6f2-510fa7895644
10-03 13:05:53.505 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.506 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.509 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: ba2a718e-f39f-4527-b6f2-510fa7895644
10-03 13:05:53.516 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.517 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 95a4ebe6-1c98-4312-8972-e33a59c00eec
10-03 13:05:53.574 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.577 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.577 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 95a4ebe6-1c98-4312-8972-e33a59c00eec
10-03 13:05:53.597 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.598 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: e905b246-628d-49aa-ad6f-7b86c847ccad
10-03 13:05:53.717 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.718 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.719 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: e905b246-628d-49aa-ad6f-7b86c847ccad
10-03 13:05:53.722 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.723 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 8d4085fe-7e30-4a63-84b4-b8519587bc69
10-03 13:05:53.764 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.765 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.767 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 8d4085fe-7e30-4a63-84b4-b8519587bc69
10-03 13:05:53.772 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:05:53.772 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: 187e9077-0d4d-4781-86c6-2c236593cb5c
10-03 13:05:53.809 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:05:53.810 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:05:53.810 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: 187e9077-0d4d-4781-86c6-2c236593cb5c
10-03 13:05:53.814 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task stop] ⏳ stopBackgroundTask: 13
10-03 13:06:08.368 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 104, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:08.369 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=1.94 et=+5d23h53m15s507ms alt=181.3000030517578 vAcc=1.2835246 vel=8.250248 sAcc=1.5 bear=84.21788 bAcc=7.3]
╟─ Age: 145ms, time: 1727940968224

10-03 13:06:08.369 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:08.370 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:06:08.372 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 156.30411, apparent speed: 7.909726
10-03 13:06:08.372 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 7.7
10-03 13:06:08.372 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 29965.848
10-03 13:06:08.380 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:08.386 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 79761ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:08.392 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: bac388da-fac5-4ec2-87a5-26f36272c0f9
10-03 13:06:08.394 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 1)

10-03 13:06:08.395 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 104, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:08.400 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask location]
10-03 13:06:08.423 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task start] ⏳ startBackgroundTask: 14
10-03 13:06:08.426 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO first] 
  ✅  Locked 1 records
10-03 13:06:08.426 INFO [HttpService a] 
  🔵  HTTP POST: bac388da-fac5-4ec2-87a5-26f36272c0f9
10-03 13:06:08.452 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 105, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:08.452 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=1.94 et=+5d23h53m15s507ms alt=181.3000030517578 vAcc=1.2835246 vel=8.250248 sAcc=1.5 bear=84.21788 bAcc=7.3]
╟─ Age: 228ms, time: 1727940968224

10-03 13:06:08.454 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:08.454 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:08.457 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:08.466 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 60000ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:08.519 INFO [HttpService$f onResponse] 
  🔵  Response: 200
10-03 13:06:08.520 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO destroy] 
  ✅  DESTROY: bac388da-fac5-4ec2-87a5-26f36272c0f9
10-03 13:06:08.523 INFO [BackgroundTaskManager$Task stop] ⏳ stopBackgroundTask: 14
10-03 13:06:08.629 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 105, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:08.630 DEBUG [HeadlessTask onHeadlessEvent] 💀 [HeadlessTask http]
10-03 13:06:10.196 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] 
║ TSLocationManager version: 3.5.4 (433)
╟─ vivo V2225 @ 14 (flutter)
  "activityRecognitionInterval": 10000,
  "allowIdenticalLocations": false,
  "authorization": {},
  "autoSync": true,
  "autoSyncThreshold": 0,
  "backgroundPermissionRationale": {
    "title": "Allow {applicationName} to access this device's location even when the app is closed or not in use.",
    "message": "This app collects location data to enable recording your trips to work and calculate distance-travelled.",
    "positiveAction": "Change to \"{backgroundPermissionOptionLabel}\"",
    "negativeAction": "Cancel"
  "batchSync": false,
  "configUrl": "",
  "crashDetector": {
    "enabled": false,
    "accelerometerThresholdHigh": 20,
    "accelerometerThresholdLow": 4.5,
    "gyroscopeThresholdHigh": 20,
    "gyroscopeThresholdLow": 4.5
  "debug": false,
  "deferTime": 0,
  "desiredAccuracy": -1,
  "desiredOdometerAccuracy": 100,
  "disableAutoSyncOnCellular": false,
  "disableElasticity": false,
  "disableLocationAuthorizationAlert": false,
  "disableMotionActivityUpdates": false,
  "disableProviderChangeRecord": false,
  "disableStopDetection": false,
  "distanceFilter": 150,
  "elasticityMultiplier": 1,
  "enableHeadless": true,
  "enableTimestampMeta": false,
  "extras": {},
  "fastestLocationUpdateInterval": -1,
  "foregroundService": true,
  "geofenceInitialTriggerEntry": true,
  "geofenceModeHighAccuracy": false,
  "geofenceProximityRadius": 1000,
  "geofenceTemplate": "",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer xxxxxx"
  "headlessJobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundgeolocation.HeadlessTask",
  "heartbeatInterval": 60,
  "httpRootProperty": "location",
  "httpTimeout": 60000,
  "isMoving": true,
  "locationAuthorizationRequest": "Always",
  "locationTemplate": "",
  "locationTimeout": 60,
  "locationUpdateInterval": 1000,
  "locationsOrderDirection": "ASC",
  "logLevel": 5,
  "logMaxDays": 3,
  "maxBatchSize": -1,
  "maxDaysToPersist": 3,
  "maxMonitoredGeofences": 97,
  "maxRecordsToPersist": -1,
  "method": "POST",
  "minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence": 75,
  "motionTriggerDelay": 0,
  "notification": {
    "layout": "",
    "title": "",
    "text": "Location Service activated",
    "color": "",
    "channelName": "TSLocationManager",
    "channelId": "",
    "smallIcon": "drawable\/ic_stat_Example",
    "largeIcon": "drawable\/ic_stat_Example",
    "priority": 1,
    "sticky": false,
    "strings": {},
    "actions": []
  "params": {},
  "persist": true,
  "persistMode": 1,
  "schedule": [],
  "scheduleUseAlarmManager": false,
  "speedJumpFilter": 300,
  "startOnBoot": true,
  "stationaryRadius": 25,
  "stopAfterElapsedMinutes": 0,
  "stopOnStationary": false,
  "stopOnTerminate": false,
  "stopTimeout": 5,
  "triggerActivities": "in_vehicle, on_bicycle, on_foot, running, walking",
  "url": "https:\/\/example.com\/AddbackgroundLocation",
  "useSignificantChangesOnly": false,
  "enabled": true,
  "schedulerEnabled": false,
  "trackingMode": 1,
  "odometer": 29965.84765625,
  "isFirstBoot": false,
  "didLaunchInBackground": false,
  "didDeviceReboot": false
10-03 13:06:10.197 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] 
╟─ ✅  ACCELEROMETER: {Sensor name="bma253_acc", vendor="bma253_acc", version=1, type=1, maxRange=78.453606, resolution=0.0012, power=0.001, minDelay=5000}
╟─ ✅  GYROSCOPE: {Sensor name="pseudo-gyro", vendor="MTK", version=1, type=4, maxRange=34.9063, resolution=0.0011, power=0.001, minDelay=10000}
╟─ ✅  MAGNETOMETER: {Sensor name="MAGNETOMETER", vendor="MTK", version=1, type=2, maxRange=4912.0503, resolution=0.15, power=0.001, minDelay=10000}
╟─ ✅  SIGNIFICANT_MOTION: {Sensor name="SIGNIFICANT_MOTION", vendor="MTK", version=1, type=17, maxRange=1.0, resolution=1.0, power=0.001, minDelay=-1}
10-03 13:06:10.198 DEBUG [LoggerFacade$a a] 
  🎾  motionchange [TrackingService  startId: 1, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.198 DEBUG [TSLocationManager b] 
  ℹ️  Load last odometer location: Location[TSLocationManager *** hAcc=1.94 et=0 {Bundle[{odometer=29965.848}]} {Bundle[{odometer=29965.848}]}]
10-03 13:06:10.198 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] 
║ TrackingService motionchange: true

10-03 13:06:10.198 DEBUG [LoggerFacade$a a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 1, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.198 INFO [LoggerFacade$a a] 
  ✅  Google Play Services: connected (version code:12451000)
10-03 13:06:10.198 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 2, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.200 INFO [TSGeofenceManager start] 
  🎾  Start monitoring geofences
10-03 13:06:10.202 DEBUG [HttpService startMonitoringConnectivityChanges] 
  🎾  Start monitoring connectivity changes
10-03 13:06:10.207 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=26.775 et=+5d23h4m14s863ms alt=186.8000030517578 vAcc=1.4411337 vel=7.5920834E-4 sAcc=1.5]
╟─ Age: 2942627ms, time: 1727938027580

10-03 13:06:10.208 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.208 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 2, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.208 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 26.775
10-03 13:06:10.217 INFO [TSProviderManager startMonitoring] 
  🎾  Start monitoring location-provider changes
10-03 13:06:10.218 DEBUG [HttpService a] 
║ 📶  Connectivity change: connected? true

10-03 13:06:10.221 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.221 DEBUG [TSGeofenceManager$e run] 
║ TSGeofenceManager monitoring 0/0
10-03 13:06:10.223 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  motionchange [TrackingService  startId: 3, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.223 INFO [TrackingService k] 
║ TrackingService motionchange: true

10-03 13:06:10.224 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 3, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.224 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: aebcd371-975f-4fe8-827d-d3770478f836
10-03 13:06:10.225 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.228 DEBUG [SQLiteLocationDAO prune] 
  ℹ️  PRUNE -3 days
10-03 13:06:10.228 INFO [HttpService flush] 
║ HTTP Service (count: 1)

10-03 13:06:10.238 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 4, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.238 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=12.536 et=+5d23h4m25s155ms alt=186.8000030517578 vAcc=2.465132 vel=2.2670312 sAcc=0.33293924 bear=212.16403 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2932366ms, time: 1727938037872

10-03 13:06:10.243 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.244 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 23.939938, apparent speed: 2.3260725
10-03 13:06:10.244 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 19.6555
10-03 13:06:10.245 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 29989.787
10-03 13:06:10.246 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.253 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 9a563825-d989-44dd-bff0-f9d501ec8bcd
10-03 13:06:10.255 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.260 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.261 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 4, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.272 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 5, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.273 DEBUG [TSSQLiteAppender$c run] 
  ℹ️  Cleared logs older than 72 hours
10-03 13:06:10.273 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.274 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 5, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.279 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 6, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.280 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.280 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 6, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.286 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 7, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.286 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=15.805 et=+5d23h8m10s24ms alt=186.3000030517578 vAcc=1.0]
╟─ Age: 2707545ms, time: 1727938262742

10-03 13:06:10.286 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.287 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 211.41046
10-03 13:06:10.287 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 239.75145, apparent speed: 1.0661875
10-03 13:06:10.287 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 15.805
10-03 13:06:10.287 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.287 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 30229.54
10-03 13:06:10.288 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.293 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: cd0be76d-535d-44a2-8085-5baf51e65b19
10-03 13:06:10.294 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 284868ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.294 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.296 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 7, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.307 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 8, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.307 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=21.601 et=+5d23h8m57s749ms alt=185.90000915527344 vAcc=1.0 vel=3.3926454 sAcc=1.5 bear=218.57368 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2659841ms, time: 1727938310466

10-03 13:06:10.308 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.309 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:10.309 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.310 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 160.67894, apparent speed: 3.3667667
10-03 13:06:10.310 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 18.703
10-03 13:06:10.311 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 30390.219
10-03 13:06:10.315 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.321 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.323 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.323 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.324 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 8, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.326 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 2b1c4eb8-c6a6-4f59-b88d-83601c93808a
10-03 13:06:10.328 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.336 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 9, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.337 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=33.15 et=+5d23h9m6s321ms alt=185.8000030517578 vAcc=1.0 vel=1.935139 sAcc=1.5 bear=150.17955 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2651299ms, time: 1727938319038

10-03 13:06:10.337 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.337 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.338 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 21.601
10-03 13:06:10.338 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -66.3
10-03 13:06:10.338 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 9, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.340 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: dc8df61a-1281-4233-a3a6-0dda72035d14
10-03 13:06:10.341 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.345 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 10, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.345 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=33.15 et=+5d23h9m6s321ms alt=185.8000030517578 vAcc=1.0 vel=1.935139 sAcc=1.5 bear=150.17955 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2651307ms, time: 1727938319038

10-03 13:06:10.346 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -66.3
10-03 13:06:10.346 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.346 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 10, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.346 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:10.352 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 11, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.353 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=5.85 et=+5d23h9m30s964ms alt=185.60000610351562 vAcc=1.2563242 vel=0.02045994 sAcc=1.7]
╟─ Age: 2626672ms, time: 1727938343681

10-03 13:06:10.353 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 113.714676
10-03 13:06:10.354 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.354 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.354 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 152.71468, apparent speed: 6.1970816
10-03 13:06:10.354 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 18.703
10-03 13:06:10.354 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 30549.4
10-03 13:06:10.354 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.358 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: a8992ebd-9281-4918-8fc3-c8af296bb74b
10-03 13:06:10.359 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 84643ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.360 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.361 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 11, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.394 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 12, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.395 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=4.633 et=+5d23h10m2s964ms alt=186.20001220703125 vAcc=1.12232 vel=4.728148 sAcc=2.8 bear=180.03255 bAcc=20.1]
╟─ Age: 2594714ms, time: 1727938375681

10-03 13:06:10.395 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.396 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:10.396 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.396 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 150.26497, apparent speed: 4.6957803
10-03 13:06:10.397 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 15.805
10-03 13:06:10.399 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.400 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.401 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 30699.666
10-03 13:06:10.401 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.401 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.402 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 12, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.404 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 4169d111-bc13-41c2-b56d-86214f1697f5
10-03 13:06:10.406 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.411 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 13, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.412 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=4.633 et=+5d23h10m2s964ms alt=186.20001220703125 vAcc=1.12232 vel=4.728148 sAcc=2.8 bear=180.03255 bAcc=20.1]
╟─ Age: 2594730ms, time: 1727938375681

10-03 13:06:10.412 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.412 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.412 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:10.412 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -9.266
10-03 13:06:10.413 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 13, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.413 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:10.419 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 14, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.420 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.8 et=+5d23h11m3s513ms alt=186.50001525878906 vAcc=1.16087 vel=3.4426546 sAcc=2.8 bear=182.89078 bAcc=26.2]
╟─ Age: 2534189ms, time: 1727938436230

10-03 13:06:10.420 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.420 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 296.72778
10-03 13:06:10.420 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 304.16077, apparent speed: 5.023382
10-03 13:06:10.421 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.421 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 14.1705
10-03 13:06:10.421 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 31003.826
10-03 13:06:10.425 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.429 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: a4229c52-d6f9-47c0-b6ed-e97f3cb6e7c2
10-03 13:06:10.430 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.432 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 120549ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.434 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 14, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.446 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 15, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.446 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=30.359 et=+5d23h12m6s865ms alt=200.00001525878906 vAcc=40.611122 vel=7.439717 sAcc=1.5 bear=115.0123 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2470864ms, time: 1727938499582

10-03 13:06:10.447 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 309.0231, apparent speed: 4.877875
10-03 13:06:10.447 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.447 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 15.805
10-03 13:06:10.448 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 31312.85
10-03 13:06:10.448 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.451 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.453 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.453 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 3a402543-5bec-4bfe-8649-93cd1e246771
10-03 13:06:10.454 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.454 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.455 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 15, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.455 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.464 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 16, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.464 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=77.825 et=+5d23h12m47s25ms alt=191.10000610351562 vAcc=4.8209734 vel=8.886183 sAcc=1.5 bear=128.64926 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2430722ms, time: 1727938539743

10-03 13:06:10.465 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.465 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.465 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:06:10.465 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -155.65
10-03 13:06:10.465 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 16, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.467 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 308.62418, apparent speed: 7.684865
10-03 13:06:10.467 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 18.703
10-03 13:06:10.467 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 31621.475
10-03 13:06:10.470 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: e18b75f7-c942-430d-819b-3c5a280e6dfc
10-03 13:06:10.472 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 17, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.472 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=77.825 et=+5d23h12m47s25ms alt=191.10000610351562 vAcc=4.8209734 vel=8.886183 sAcc=1.5 bear=128.64926 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 2430730ms, time: 1727938539743

10-03 13:06:10.473 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.473 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -155.65
10-03 13:06:10.473 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.473 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 17, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.473 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:10.484 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 18, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.485 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.4 et=+5d23h13m38s509ms alt=189.8000030517578 vAcc=9.18673 vel=10.230875 sAcc=1.8 bear=115.94638 bAcc=7.0]
╟─ Age: 2379258ms, time: 1727938591227

10-03 13:06:10.485 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.485 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 451.7941, apparent speed: 8.775427
10-03 13:06:10.485 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 371.56912
10-03 13:06:10.486 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 15.805
10-03 13:06:10.486 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.486 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 32073.27
10-03 13:06:10.486 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.489 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 25e55839-385b-4a89-97e4-af08c9179496
10-03 13:06:10.489 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 111484ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.490 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.490 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 18, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.501 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 19, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.502 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.502 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 19, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.509 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 20, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.509 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.509 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 20, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.515 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 21, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.515 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=72.9 et=+5d23h15m33s211ms alt=193.10000610351562 vAcc=5.173368]
╟─ Age: 2264587ms, time: 1727938705928

10-03 13:06:10.515 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.516 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 1325.9653, apparent speed: 11.560089
10-03 13:06:10.516 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 15.805
10-03 13:06:10.516 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.516 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 33399.234
10-03 13:06:10.518 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.519 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 9935bb98-d31c-4aa3-bb3c-ffae6d6e5e14
10-03 13:06:10.520 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.520 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.521 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.521 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.522 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 21, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.531 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 22, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.531 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.531 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 22, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.537 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 23, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.538 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.538 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 23, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.545 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 24, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.546 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=116.1 et=+5d23h18m59s169ms alt=202.50001525878906 vAcc=26.6256]
╟─ Age: 2058660ms, time: 1727938911886

10-03 13:06:10.547 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.547 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.547 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 1458.8861, apparent speed: 7.0834155
10-03 13:06:10.547 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -232.2
10-03 13:06:10.547 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 21.601
10-03 13:06:10.547 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 24, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.550 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 699a6303-a26f-4ece-9546-78381e86fd90
10-03 13:06:10.552 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.555 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 25, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.555 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=600.0 et=+5d23h23m35s930ms alt=202.50001525878906 vAcc=26.6256]
╟─ Age: 1781908ms, time: 1727939188647

10-03 13:06:10.555 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.555 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -88.537506
10-03 13:06:10.556 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 627.5625, apparent speed: 2.267525
10-03 13:06:10.556 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 25, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.556 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 30.359
10-03 13:06:10.558 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: f18b8b9c-99ba-4452-baba-99c1d366890d
10-03 13:06:10.560 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.562 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 26, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.562 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.563 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 26, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.569 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 27, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.569 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.570 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 27, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.576 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 28, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.577 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=149.6 et=+5d23h26m19s768ms alt=207.90000915527344 vAcc=41.6025]
╟─ Age: 1618092ms, time: 1727939352486

10-03 13:06:10.577 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.577 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 930.68933
10-03 13:06:10.578 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 764.41626, apparent speed: 4.6656833
10-03 13:06:10.578 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.578 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 33.15
10-03 13:06:10.579 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.581 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 63c69c76-df94-42be-b7e5-70889b187dbf
10-03 13:06:10.582 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 223838ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.582 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.584 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 28, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.592 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 29, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.592 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.592 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 29, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.599 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 30, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.599 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.599 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 30, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.607 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 31, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.607 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=135.6 et=+5d23h26m48s435ms alt=208.70001220703125 vAcc=41.6025 vel=0.057663303 sAcc=1.5]
╟─ Age: 1589455ms, time: 1727939381153

10-03 13:06:10.608 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.609 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 452.103, apparent speed: 15.770851
10-03 13:06:10.609 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.609 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 72.9
10-03 13:06:10.613 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.615 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.616 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.617 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.617 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: efc2b01b-8d95-46ad-8702-8076730e7aa4
10-03 13:06:10.617 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 31, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.619 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.625 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 32, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.626 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=37.828 et=+5d23h27m40s296ms alt=211.90000915527344 vAcc=4.227777 vel=9.380248 sAcc=1.5 bear=66.16414 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 1537612ms, time: 1727939433013

10-03 13:06:10.626 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.626 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.626 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:06:10.626 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -75.656
10-03 13:06:10.627 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 32, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.627 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 457.26593, apparent speed: 8.817144
10-03 13:06:10.627 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 72.9
10-03 13:06:10.628 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 36702.664
10-03 13:06:10.630 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: d06b3cfe-9e42-4461-a849-73f79663ebdb
10-03 13:06:10.632 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.634 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 33, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.634 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.635 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 33, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.666 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 34, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.667 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.667 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 34, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.677 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 35, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.678 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=56.1 et=+5d23h29m35s792ms alt=212.40000915527344 vAcc=8.217778 vel=12.511886 sAcc=1.5 bear=27.211653 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 1422168ms, time: 1727939548509

10-03 13:06:10.678 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.678 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 442.52872
10-03 13:06:10.678 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 450.0->600.0)
10-03 13:06:10.678 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.679 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 536.4567, apparent speed: 4.644808
10-03 13:06:10.680 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 72.9
10-03 13:06:10.680 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.680 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 37239.12
10-03 13:06:10.683 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 50751f2c-34d1-49d2-92cc-70dfb8f56f5c
10-03 13:06:10.683 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 175496ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.685 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.685 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 35, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.696 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 36, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.697 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=56.1 et=+5d23h29m35s792ms alt=212.40000915527344 vAcc=8.217778 vel=12.511886 sAcc=1.5 bear=27.211653 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 1422188ms, time: 1727939548509

10-03 13:06:10.698 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.698 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.698 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:10.702 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.705 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.706 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.707 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.707 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 36, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.715 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 37, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.715 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=1.8 et=+5d23h31m0s507ms alt=215.70001220703125 vAcc=1.5725075 vel=9.755619 sAcc=1.2 bear=103.287674 bAcc=5.4]
╟─ Age: 1337491ms, time: 1727939633224

10-03 13:06:10.716 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.716 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.716 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -3.6
10-03 13:06:10.716 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->450.0)
10-03 13:06:10.716 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 37, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.720 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 608.9798, apparent speed: 7.188571
10-03 13:06:10.721 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 72.9
10-03 13:06:10.721 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 37848.1
10-03 13:06:10.724 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 38, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.725 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=1.8 et=+5d23h31m0s507ms alt=215.70001220703125 vAcc=1.5725075 vel=9.755619 sAcc=1.2 bear=103.287674 bAcc=5.4]
╟─ Age: 1337500ms, time: 1727939633224

10-03 13:06:10.725 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -3.6
10-03 13:06:10.725 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 38, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.725 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.726 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:10.726 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 12620cf3-e6b1-4f96-b0fe-608429ecbeb3
10-03 13:06:10.727 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.741 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 39, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.742 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.742 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 39, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.750 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 40, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.751 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.751 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 40, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.761 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 41, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.762 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=21.054 et=+5d23h34m42s63ms alt=205.3000030517578 vAcc=1.954155]
╟─ Age: 1115981ms, time: 1727939854780

10-03 13:06:10.762 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.762 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 1696.2429
10-03 13:06:10.762 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 1719.0969, apparent speed: 7.759198
10-03 13:06:10.762 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.762 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 72.9
10-03 13:06:10.763 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 39567.2
10-03 13:06:10.763 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.769 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 9ba8f3e6-accb-423f-b4d0-a4221653cfea
10-03 13:06:10.770 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 281556ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.771 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.778 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 41, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.793 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 42, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.793 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=28.178 et=+5d23h36m7s202ms alt=203.20001220703125 vAcc=1.2849345 vel=6.6729736 sAcc=1.5 bear=53.476826 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 1030874ms, time: 1727939939919

10-03 13:06:10.794 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.794 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 450.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:10.795 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.796 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 469.81937, apparent speed: 5.518263
10-03 13:06:10.796 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 56.1
10-03 13:06:10.796 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 40037.02
10-03 13:06:10.800 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.802 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 60f2def8-a365-4fb5-9548-6da487ec0cc2
10-03 13:06:10.803 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.808 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.810 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.811 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.811 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 42, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.827 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 43, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.827 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=26.849 et=+5d23h36m10s393ms alt=203.20001220703125 vAcc=1.3168445 vel=5.806737 sAcc=6.1 bear=61.590164 bAcc=39.5]
╟─ Age: 1027717ms, time: 1727939943111

10-03 13:06:10.828 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.828 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.828 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:10.828 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -53.698
10-03 13:06:10.829 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 43, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.829 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 56.1
10-03 13:06:10.835 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 8fdfbbc1-038c-41a3-abdf-f9d69367a1d9
10-03 13:06:10.836 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.836 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 44, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.839 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:10.839 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 44, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.846 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 45, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.846 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:10.847 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 45, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.866 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 46, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.867 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.383 et=+5d23h38m12s511ms alt=209.20001220703125 vAcc=5.094928 vel=7.218705 sAcc=0.8 bear=151.98886 bAcc=3.9]
╟─ Age: 905639ms, time: 1727940065228

10-03 13:06:10.868 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.868 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 273.76538
10-03 13:06:10.868 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 302.99738, apparent speed: 2.4811852
10-03 13:06:10.868 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.868 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 37.828
10-03 13:06:10.868 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 40353.13
10-03 13:06:10.870 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:10.872 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 3e7aa2cb-3fd4-46d2-acab-bf8bb11a070a
10-03 13:06:10.873 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 182118ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:10.874 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.875 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 46, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.886 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 47, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.887 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=4.3 et=+5d23h41m6s410ms alt=192.70001220703125 vAcc=3.542006 vel=2.633773 sAcc=2.8 bear=93.33886 bAcc=42.8]
╟─ Age: 731760ms, time: 1727940239127

10-03 13:06:10.887 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.888 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 28.178
10-03 13:06:10.888 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 1394.483, apparent speed: 8.018925
10-03 13:06:10.888 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 41747.613
10-03 13:06:10.889 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:10.892 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 1496092c-6cec-4aeb-9ebc-18cc18afa023
10-03 13:06:10.893 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:10.895 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:10.896 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:10.897 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:10.898 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:10.899 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 47, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:10.986 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 48, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:10.987 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=4.3 et=+5d23h41m6s410ms alt=192.70001220703125 vAcc=3.542006 vel=2.633773 sAcc=2.8 bear=93.33886 bAcc=42.8]
╟─ Age: 731859ms, time: 1727940239127

10-03 13:06:10.987 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:10.987 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:10.988 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:10.988 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -8.6
10-03 13:06:10.989 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:10.989 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 48, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.003 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 49, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.004 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=4.3 et=+5d23h41m6s410ms alt=192.70001220703125 vAcc=3.542006 vel=2.633773 sAcc=2.8 bear=93.33886 bAcc=42.8]
╟─ Age: 731876ms, time: 1727940239127

10-03 13:06:11.004 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.004 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -8.6
10-03 13:06:11.005 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.005 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 49, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.039 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 50, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.040 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:11.040 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 50, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.051 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 51, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.052 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:11.052 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 51, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.062 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 52, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.062 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=110.0 et=+5d23h42m37s972ms alt=190.50001525878906 vAcc=23.401405]
╟─ Age: 640373ms, time: 1727940330689

10-03 13:06:11.062 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.062 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 629.22186, apparent speed: 6.8720856
10-03 13:06:11.063 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 28.178
10-03 13:06:11.063 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 514.9219
10-03 13:06:11.064 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.065 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 470901fe-82a5-4697-9966-35c30018ee0e
10-03 13:06:11.066 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.068 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.071 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 151562ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.074 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 52, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.080 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 53, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.080 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=58.614 et=+5d23h43m28s239ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.173368 vel=14.642236 sAcc=1.5 bear=92.14425 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 590124ms, time: 1727940380957

10-03 13:06:11.081 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.082 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->600.0)
10-03 13:06:11.083 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 331.38638, apparent speed: 6.5925236
10-03 13:06:11.083 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.084 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 28.178
10-03 13:06:11.084 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 42705.61
10-03 13:06:11.088 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 609fabd0-1f2d-41ac-b2b0-405eec6d2cb3
10-03 13:06:11.090 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.092 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.093 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.093 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.094 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 53, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.224 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.233 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 54, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.234 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=58.614 et=+5d23h43m28s239ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.173368 vel=14.642236 sAcc=1.5 bear=92.14425 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 590278ms, time: 1727940380957

10-03 13:06:11.234 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.235 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -117.228
10-03 13:06:11.235 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.235 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->600.0)
10-03 13:06:11.235 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 54, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.237 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.244 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 55, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.245 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=58.614 et=+5d23h43m28s239ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.173368 vel=14.642236 sAcc=1.5 bear=92.14425 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 590288ms, time: 1727940380957

10-03 13:06:11.245 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.245 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.245 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -117.228
10-03 13:06:11.246 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 55, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.255 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 56, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.255 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=33.757 et=+5d23h43m31s836ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.209338 vel=0.0 sAcc=6.0]
╟─ Age: 586702ms, time: 1727940384554

10-03 13:06:11.255 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.255 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 887.9083
10-03 13:06:11.256 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.256 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 600.0->150.0)
10-03 13:06:11.257 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 980.27936, apparent speed: 272.52692
10-03 13:06:11.257 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 28.178
10-03 13:06:11.257 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.258 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 43685.89
10-03 13:06:11.261 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 4b9b9890-0a62-4c6d-a7bc-c686b8112e3c
10-03 13:06:11.262 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 63597ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.264 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.265 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 56, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.549 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 57, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.550 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=33.757 et=+5d23h43m31s836ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.209338 vel=0.0 sAcc=6.0]
╟─ Age: 586997ms, time: 1727940384554

10-03 13:06:11.550 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.551 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.554 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.560 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.563 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.565 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.565 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.567 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 57, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.583 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 58, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.584 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=33.757 et=+5d23h43m31s836ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.209338 vel=0.0 sAcc=6.0]
╟─ Age: 587030ms, time: 1727940384554

10-03 13:06:11.584 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.584 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -67.514
10-03 13:06:11.584 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.584 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 58, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.585 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.592 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 59, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.593 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=12.4 et=+5d23h43m34s373ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.234708 vel=6.423733 sAcc=2.7 bear=89.0 bAcc=12.0]
╟─ Age: 584502ms, time: 1727940387090

10-03 13:06:11.593 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.593 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 829.4655
10-03 13:06:11.593 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:11.594 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.595 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 875.62256, apparent speed: 345.14093
10-03 13:06:11.595 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.595 WARN [TSLocationManager d] 
  ⚠️  Detected invalid location (teleport) with apparent speed of 345.14093 meters/s (distance from last location: 875.62256 meters, dt: 2537.0)
10-03 13:06:11.601 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 62537ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.605 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 59, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.616 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 60, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.617 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=12.4 et=+5d23h43m34s373ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.234708 vel=6.423733 sAcc=2.7 bear=89.0 bAcc=12.0]
╟─ Age: 584527ms, time: 1727940387090

10-03 13:06:11.617 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.618 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 875.62256, apparent speed: 345.14093
10-03 13:06:11.618 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.618 WARN [TSLocationManager d] 
  ⚠️  Detected invalid location (teleport) with apparent speed of 345.14093 meters/s (distance from last location: 875.62256 meters, dt: 2537.0)
10-03 13:06:11.622 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.624 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.627 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.628 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.630 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 60, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.644 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 61, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.644 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=12.4 et=+5d23h43m34s373ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.234708 vel=6.423733 sAcc=2.7 bear=89.0 bAcc=12.0]
╟─ Age: 584554ms, time: 1727940387090

10-03 13:06:11.645 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.645 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.645 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:11.645 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -24.8
10-03 13:06:11.645 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 61, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.646 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 875.62256, apparent speed: 345.14093
10-03 13:06:11.646 WARN [TSLocationManager d] 
  ⚠️  Detected invalid location (teleport) with apparent speed of 345.14093 meters/s (distance from last location: 875.62256 meters, dt: 2537.0)
10-03 13:06:11.662 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 62, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.662 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=12.4 et=+5d23h43m34s373ms alt=189.10000610351562 vAcc=5.234708 vel=6.423733 sAcc=2.7 bear=89.0 bAcc=12.0]
╟─ Age: 584572ms, time: 1727940387090

10-03 13:06:11.663 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -24.8
10-03 13:06:11.663 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.663 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 62, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.663 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 875.62256, apparent speed: 345.14093
10-03 13:06:11.663 WARN [TSLocationManager d] 
  ⚠️  Detected invalid location (teleport) with apparent speed of 345.14093 meters/s (distance from last location: 875.62256 meters, dt: 2537.0)
10-03 13:06:11.672 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 63, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.672 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 63, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.672 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:11.698 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 64, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.699 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:11.699 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 64, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.712 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 65, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.712 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=92.9 et=+5d23h44m38s217ms alt=200.10000610351562 vAcc=16.594904]
╟─ Age: 520778ms, time: 1727940450934

10-03 13:06:11.713 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 330.19754
10-03 13:06:11.713 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.714 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.717 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.717 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 1297.7596, apparent speed: 19.550167
10-03 13:06:11.717 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 123844ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.717 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 28.178
10-03 13:06:11.717 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 44983.65
10-03 13:06:11.728 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 1570f414-b6c2-485a-b869-e92e5adff763
10-03 13:06:11.732 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.738 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 65, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.778 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 66, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.779 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=53.673 et=+5d23h45m55s178ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.422577 vel=5.0086355 sAcc=1.5 bear=88.02786 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 443883ms, time: 1727940527896

10-03 13:06:11.779 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.779 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 308.4892, apparent speed: 4.0083833
10-03 13:06:11.780 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 28.178
10-03 13:06:11.780 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 45292.137
10-03 13:06:11.780 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.783 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.784 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 3037e1bb-d25c-407f-93f6-61a515e14d38
10-03 13:06:11.785 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.786 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.787 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.788 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 66, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.788 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.799 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 67, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.800 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=53.673 et=+5d23h45m55s178ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.422577 vel=5.0086355 sAcc=1.5 bear=88.02786 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 443905ms, time: 1727940527896

10-03 13:06:11.800 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.800 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.800 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:11.800 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -107.346
10-03 13:06:11.801 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 67, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.802 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.809 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 68, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.809 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=53.673 et=+5d23h45m55s178ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.422577 vel=5.0086355 sAcc=1.5 bear=88.02786 bAcc=45.0]
╟─ Age: 443914ms, time: 1727940527896

10-03 13:06:11.810 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.810 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -107.346
10-03 13:06:11.810 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 68, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.810 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.816 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 69, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.817 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=31.336 et=+5d23h45m57s695ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.447746 vel=1.7160839 sAcc=3.4 bear=105.0 bAcc=71.2]
╟─ Age: 441404ms, time: 1727940530412

10-03 13:06:11.817 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.817 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 328.91003
10-03 13:06:11.817 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.817 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->150.0)
10-03 13:06:11.819 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.819 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 413.91904, apparent speed: 164.44937
10-03 13:06:11.819 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:06:11.820 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 45706.055
10-03 13:06:11.822 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 62517ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.823 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 98bfafb3-7550-4892-8a40-2d0d606e88d0
10-03 13:06:11.825 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 69, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.828 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.839 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=31.336 et=+5d23h45m57s695ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.447746 vel=1.7160839 sAcc=3.4 bear=105.0 bAcc=71.2]
╟─ Age: 441427ms, time: 1727940530412

10-03 13:06:11.839 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 70, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.840 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.840 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.841 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.846 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.847 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.849 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.849 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.850 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 70, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.860 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 71, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.860 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=31.336 et=+5d23h45m57s695ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.447746 vel=1.7160839 sAcc=3.4 bear=105.0 bAcc=71.2]
╟─ Age: 441448ms, time: 1727940530412

10-03 13:06:11.861 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.861 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.861 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.861 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -62.672
10-03 13:06:11.861 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 71, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.869 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 72, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.870 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=23.691 et=+5d23h45m59s212ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=32.462917 vel=0.0032035026 sAcc=2.9]
╟─ Age: 439941ms, time: 1727940531929

10-03 13:06:11.870 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.870 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 163.68947, apparent speed: 107.903404
10-03 13:06:11.870 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 108.66247
10-03 13:06:11.871 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.871 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:06:11.871 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 45869.746
10-03 13:06:11.872 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.875 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 5e767d4f-8334-4a65-bf62-4f8c0ec3a4ef
10-03 13:06:11.876 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 61517ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.877 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.880 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 72, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.893 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 73, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.894 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.405 et=+5d23h46m5s573ms alt=187.20001220703125 vAcc=7.8013787 vel=3.503833 sAcc=3.4 bear=88.446266 bAcc=29.8]
╟─ Age: 433604ms, time: 1727940538290

10-03 13:06:11.894 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.895 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:11.895 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.896 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 185.3621, apparent speed: 29.140404
10-03 13:06:11.896 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:06:11.896 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 46055.11
10-03 13:06:11.900 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 9ca5dbbc-3797-47ef-bb77-4031f7674edf
10-03 13:06:11.900 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.902 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.903 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.904 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.904 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.905 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 73, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.917 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 74, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.918 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.405 et=+5d23h46m5s573ms alt=187.20001220703125 vAcc=7.8013787 vel=3.503833 sAcc=3.4 bear=88.446266 bAcc=29.8]
╟─ Age: 433627ms, time: 1727940538290

10-03 13:06:11.918 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.918 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.918 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -14.81
10-03 13:06:11.919 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:11.919 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 74, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.921 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.927 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 75, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.928 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.405 et=+5d23h46m5s573ms alt=187.20001220703125 vAcc=7.8013787 vel=3.503833 sAcc=3.4 bear=88.446266 bAcc=29.8]
╟─ Age: 433637ms, time: 1727940538290

10-03 13:06:11.928 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.928 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -14.81
10-03 13:06:11.929 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.929 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 75, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.938 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 76, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.939 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=7.405 et=+5d23h46m5s573ms alt=187.20001220703125 vAcc=7.8013787 vel=3.503833 sAcc=3.4 bear=88.446266 bAcc=29.8]
╟─ Age: 433649ms, time: 1727940538290

10-03 13:06:11.939 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -14.81
10-03 13:06:11.940 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 76, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.940 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.940 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:11.949 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 77, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.949 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: false
10-03 13:06:11.950 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 77, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.958 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 78, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.958 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Location availability: true
10-03 13:06:11.959 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 78, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.966 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 79, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.967 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=27.95 et=+5d23h47m15s683ms alt=186.70001220703125 vAcc=3.720969]
╟─ Age: 363567ms, time: 1727940608401

10-03 13:06:11.967 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 331.67996
10-03 13:06:11.967 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.968 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:11.968 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 367.03497, apparent speed: 5.23513
10-03 13:06:11.968 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:06:11.968 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 46422.145
10-03 13:06:11.969 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:11.973 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 130110ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:11.974 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 8e828628-c59c-40ea-ac1f-c44f9fa2187c
10-03 13:06:11.975 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.976 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 79, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:11.990 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 80, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:11.990 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=128.899 et=+5d23h47m20s682ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=35.448284]
╟─ Age: 358591ms, time: 1727940613400

10-03 13:06:11.990 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:11.991 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 362.18964, apparent speed: 72.452415
10-03 13:06:11.991 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 33.757
10-03 13:06:11.991 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:11.993 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: e1647702-4cc5-4759-987c-b3a84d6d1e81
10-03 13:06:11.995 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:11.995 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:11.997 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:11.998 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:11.999 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:11.999 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 80, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.007 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 81, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.008 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=8.5 et=+5d23h47m27s487ms alt=201.20001220703125 vAcc=35.516335 vel=0.0 sAcc=2.0]
╟─ Age: 351803ms, time: 1727940620204

10-03 13:06:12.008 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:12.008 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:12.008 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 294.98608, apparent speed: 43.34843
10-03 13:06:12.008 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 33.757
10-03 13:06:12.008 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -17.0
10-03 13:06:12.009 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 46492.312
10-03 13:06:12.009 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 81, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.013 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 834e69f8-9501-4e76-9c63-0b83530957bb
10-03 13:06:12.016 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:12.021 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 82, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.021 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 342795ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:06:12.021 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 135.88469
10-03 13:06:12.022 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:12.022 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:12.022 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:12.023 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 155.5577, apparent speed: 17.24204
10-03 13:06:12.023 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:12.023 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 31.336
10-03 13:06:12.023 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 46647.87
10-03 13:06:12.026 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 69022ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:12.027 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 7ec69bb0-33d1-4c56-8336-1e2778e267e3
10-03 13:06:12.029 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:12.029 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 82, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.043 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 83, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.044 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 342818ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:06:12.044 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:12.044 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:12.045 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT in 300000ms (jobID: 2059034116)
10-03 13:06:12.049 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
10-03 13:06:12.051 INFO [TSLocationManager d] 
  🔴  Location-services: OFF
10-03 13:06:12.053 INFO [TSLocationManager requestLocationUpdates] 
  🎾  Location-services: ON
10-03 13:06:12.054 DEBUG [TSConfig translateDesiredAccuracy] translateDesiredAccuracy (true): -1
10-03 13:06:12.055 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 83, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.063 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 84, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.064 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 342838ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:06:12.064 DEBUG [TrackingService b] Received stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:12.064 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:12.064 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -22.346
10-03 13:06:12.065 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 84, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.065 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 150.0->300.0)
10-03 13:06:12.066 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:12.074 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 85, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.074 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=11.173 et=+5d23h47m36s509ms alt=184.50001525878906 vAcc=6.2978873 vel=5.526537 sAcc=1.4 bear=59.901035 bAcc=9.9]
╟─ Age: 342848ms, time: 1727940629226

10-03 13:06:12.074 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:12.075 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  ℹ️  IGNORED: same as last location
10-03 13:06:12.075 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: -22.346
10-03 13:06:12.075 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 85, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.085 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 86, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.086 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.95 et=+5d23h48m8s509ms alt=184.10000610351562 vAcc=6.964893 vel=9.067404 sAcc=1.5 bear=8.992896 bAcc=5.7]
╟─ Age: 310859ms, time: 1727940661226

10-03 13:06:12.086 INFO [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Distance from stoppedAtLocation: 288.11038
10-03 13:06:12.086 DEBUG [TrackingService b] 
  ℹ️  Force cancel cancel stopTimeout due to apparent movement beyond stoppedAt location
10-03 13:06:12.086 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

10-03 13:06:12.087 INFO [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
  🔵  Re-scaled distanceFilter: 300.0->450.0)
10-03 13:06:12.088 INFO [TSScheduleManager cancelOneShot] 
  ⏰ Cancel OneShot: STOP_TIMEOUT
10-03 13:06:12.088 DEBUG [TSLocationManager d] Distance from last location: 302.2334, apparent speed: 9.444794
10-03 13:06:12.088 DEBUG [TSLocationManager a] Median accuracy: 27.95
10-03 13:06:12.088 DEBUG [TSLocationManager c] Odometer: 46950.105
10-03 13:06:12.091 INFO [TSScheduleManager oneShot] 
  ⏰ Scheduled OneShot: MOTION_ACTIVITY_CHECK in 92000ms (jobID: -18513055)
10-03 13:06:12.092 INFO [SQLiteLocationDAO persist] 
  ✅  INSERT: 7e512736-67d6-406b-b164-469d00238be6
10-03 13:06:12.094 INFO [HttpService flush] 
  ℹ️  HttpService is busy
10-03 13:06:12.094 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  ⚙️︎   FINISH [TrackingService startId: 86, eventCount: 0, sticky: true]
10-03 13:06:12.106 DEBUG [AbstractService a] 
  🎾  start [TrackingService  startId: 87, eventCount: 1]
10-03 13:06:12.106 DEBUG [TrackingService c] 
║ TrackingService: LocationResult
╟─ 📍  Location[fused *** hAcc=2.95 et=+5d23h48m8s509ms alt=184.10000610351562 vAcc=6.964893 vel=9.067404 sAcc=1.5 bear=8.992896 bAcc=5.7]
╟─ Age: 310880ms, time: 1727940661226

10-03 13:06:12.107 DEBUG [TSLocationManager onLocationResult] 
║ Process LocationResult

abhi9991 avatar Oct 04 '24 14:10 abhi9991