flutter_background_fetch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter_background_fetch copied to clipboard

[BUG] [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize

Open miguelflores1993 opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Your Environment

  • Plugin version: ^4.3.3

  • Platform: Android

  • flutter 2.10.0

  • Device manufacturer / model: SAMSUMG A70

  • Plugin config

void backgroundFetchHeadlessTask(HeadlessTask task) async {
  var taskId = task.taskId;
  var timeout = task.timeout;
  if (timeout) {
    print("[BackgroundFetch] Headless task timed-out: $taskId");
  print("[BackgroundFetch] Headless event received: $taskId");
  if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver') {
  if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks') {
  if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint') {
  if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations') {
 await BackgroundFetch.configure(
          minimumFetchInterval: 60,
          forceAlarmManager: false,
          stopOnTerminate: false,
          startOnBoot: true,
          enableHeadless: true,
          requiresBatteryNotLow: false,
          requiresCharging: false,
          requiresStorageNotLow: false,
          requiresDeviceIdle: false,
          requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.NONE,
        ), (String taskId) async {
      if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver') {
      if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks') {
      if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations') {
       if (taskId == 'com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint') {
    }, (String taskId) async {
    await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
      taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver",
      delay: 1800000,
      periodic: true,
      forceAlarmManager: false,
      stopOnTerminate: false,
      requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.NONE,
      startOnBoot: true,
      enableHeadless: true,
    await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
      taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks",
      delay: 60000,
      periodic: true,
      forceAlarmManager: true,
      startOnBoot: true,
      requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.ANY,
      stopOnTerminate: false,
      enableHeadless: true,
    await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
      taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations",
      delay: 60000,
      periodic: true,
      requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.ANY,
      forceAlarmManager: true,
      stopOnTerminate: false,
      startOnBoot: true,
      enableHeadless: true,
    await BackgroundFetch.scheduleTask(TaskConfig(
      taskId: "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint",
      delay: 60000,
      periodic: true,
      requiredNetworkType: NetworkType.ANY,
      forceAlarmManager: true,
      stopOnTerminate: false,
      startOnBoot: true,
      enableHeadless: true,
 await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.ready(
          locationUpdateInterval: 60000,
          persistMode: bg.Config.PERSIST_MODE_GEOFENCE,
          desiredAccuracy: bg.Config.DESIRED_ACCURACY_HIGH,
          distanceFilter: 10000.0,
          enableHeadless: true,
          stopOnTerminate: false,
          startOnBoot: true,
          notification: bg.Notification(
            smallIcon: "drawable/ic_launcher_notification",
            priority: bg.Config.NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH,
            sticky: true,
            title: user.profile?.firstName?.trim() != null ? '${user.profile?.firstName?.trim()} tienes una operación en curso' : "Operación en curso",
            strings: {},
            layout: "",
            actions: [],
            text: 'Recuerda completar todas tus tareas.',
          showsBackgroundLocationIndicator: true,
          backgroundPermissionRationale: bg.PermissionRationale(
            title: "Permitir que DeltaX acceda a la ubicación de este dispositivo incluso cuando esté cerca o no esté en uso?",
            message: "DeltaX recopila datos de tu ubicación, para realizar seguimiento a las cargas que transportas",
            positiveAction: "Cambiar a 'Permitir todo el tiempo'",
            negativeAction: "Cancelar",
          locationAuthorizationRequest: 'Always',
          debug: false,

      await bg.BackgroundGeolocation.start();

      // bg.BackgroundGeolocation.setConfig(config)
      await BackgroundFetch.start();

Debug logs

  • Android: $ adb logcat
02-24 16:18:42.181 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:18:42.195 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations]
02-24 16:18:42.196 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint
02-24 16:18:42.209 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint]
02-24 16:18:42.210 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:42.210 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:42.210 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:58.373 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks
02-24 16:18:58.384 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks]
02-24 16:18:58.384 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:18:58.392 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:18:58.399 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations]
02-24 16:18:58.399 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.043 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks
02-24 16:19:00.047 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks]
02-24 16:19:00.048 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.062 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:19:00.066 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations]
02-24 16:19:00.068 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.080 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [BGTask] timeout: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint
02-24 16:19:00.084 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint]
02-24 16:19:00.092 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:19:00.359 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint
02-24 16:19:00.365 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: 💀 [HeadlessTask com.deltaxlat.appdriver.multipoint]
02-24 16:19:00.365 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: [HeadlessTask] waiting for client to initialize
02-24 16:07:43.997  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - configure
02-24 16:07:43.997  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - start
02-24 16:07:43.997  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: flutter_background_fetch
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "taskId": "flutter_background_fetch",
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "isFetchTask": true,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "minimumFetchInterval": 60,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiredNetworkType": 0,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "forceAlarmManager": false,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "delay": -1
02-24 16:07:44.000  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: com.deltaxlat.appdriver
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "taskId": "com.deltaxlat.appdriver",
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "isFetchTask": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "minimumFetchInterval": 15,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiredNetworkType": 0,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "forceAlarmManager": false,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "delay": 1800000
02-24 16:07:44.039  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "taskId": "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.tasks",
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "isFetchTask": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "minimumFetchInterval": 15,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiredNetworkType": 1,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "forceAlarmManager": true,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "delay": 60000
02-24 16:07:44.069  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "taskId": "com.deltaxlat.appdriver.locations",
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "isFetchTask": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "minimumFetchInterval": 15,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiredNetworkType": 1,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "forceAlarmManager": true,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "periodic": true,
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "delay": 60000
02-24 16:07:44.119  9956  9956 D TSBackgroundFetch: }
02-24 16:14:26.321 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - start
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: - registerTask: flutter_background_fetch
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: {
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "taskId": "flutter_background_fetch",
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "isFetchTask": true,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "minimumFetchInterval": 60,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "stopOnTerminate": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiredNetworkType": 0,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresBatteryNotLow": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresCharging": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresDeviceIdle": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "requiresStorageNotLow": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "startOnBoot": true,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "jobService": "com.transistorsoft.flutter.backgroundfetch.HeadlessTask",
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "forceAlarmManager": false,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "periodic": true,
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch:   "delay": -1
02-24 16:14:26.322 25004 25004 D TSBackgroundFetch: }

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

miguelflores1993 avatar Feb 24 '22 20:02 miguelflores1993

@christocracy pls help :D

miguelflores1993 avatar Feb 24 '22 20:02 miguelflores1993

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. You may also mark this issue as a "discussion" and I will leave this open.

stale[bot] avatar Apr 27 '22 17:04 stale[bot]

Is possible run more than one scheduleTask ? I'm so confuse how can i make this.

mateusdevelopes avatar Jul 08 '22 20:07 mateusdevelopes

Is possible run more than one scheduleTask

What are you trying to do?

christocracy avatar Jul 08 '22 20:07 christocracy

I wanted to perform 3 activities:

  • Perform requisition.
  • After request to dowload.
  • Perform installation of an apk silently (It will only serve for provisioned devices).

mateusdevelopes avatar Jul 18 '22 12:07 mateusdevelopes

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] avatar Apr 18 '24 01:04 github-actions[bot]

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.

github-actions[bot] avatar May 02 '24 01:05 github-actions[bot]