tipctl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tipctl copied to clipboard

The command line interface for the TransIP API


TransIP Control (tipctl) is a tool that connects to the TransIP API from your terminal. It has all available resources implemented from the TransIP RestAPI, and offers you commands to order, update and remove products from your TransIP account.

Latest Stable Version License


  • PHP 7.2.0 or later.
  • json (php extension)
  • openssl (php extension)


There are two ways you can install Tipctl.

Download and install the PHAR file

This can be downloaded from our most recent GitHub Release.

Once the file has been downloaded, you must make sure that the phar file has a correct permission for it to be an executable.

# Go to tipctl.phar
cd /path/to/tipctl

# Make phar file executable
chmod +x ./tipctl.phar

# Test if the tipctl is executable
./tipctl.phar --version

It is important to note that you must use ./ every time to indicate you are using the tipctl executable from your current directory. This is because the command line (bash) interprets all commands by looking for commands in locations described in the environment variable $PATH. If you want to use the tipctl command globally, then we recommend installing using composer.

Install with Composer

You can install Tipctl using Composer. Run the following command:

composer global require transip/tipctl

Now that the tipctl binary is available globally, make sure that your global vendor binaries directory is included in your environment $PATH variable. You can get the vendor binaries directory by using the following command:

composer global config bin-dir --absolute

Now execute the following command to see the version of tipctl installed:

tipctl --version

Getting started

Run the user interactive setup script

tipctl setup

You can also run the setup script with no user interaction

tipctl setup --no-interaction --apiUrl='https://api.transip.nl/v6' --loginName='yourUsername' --apiPrivateKey='yourKeyPair' --apiUseWhitelist=true

# When using spaces to separate an option from its value, you must escape the beginning of your private key
tipctl setup --no-interaction --apiUrl 'https://api.transip.nl/v6' --loginName 'yourUsername' --apiPrivateKey '\-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...' --apiUseWhitelist=true

Usage / Commands

List all available commands

tipctl list

List all of your domains

tipctl domain:getall

Update a single DNS record on your domain

# See usage information
tipctl domain:dns:updatednsentry -h

# Update a DNS record
tipctl domain:dns:updatednsentry example.com subdomain 300 A

Understanding how to use the help argument

When using tipctl you can use a -h argument to get information about how a specified command works.

# Passing a help argument to any command
# tipctl <anycommand> -h

From the above example, the help argument should be used and interpeted like this:

# Example for attach vps command
tipctl bigstorage:attachvps -h

And this will output the following:

  Attach your big storage to your vps

  bigstorage:attachvps [options] [--] <BigStorageName> <VpsName>

  BigStorageName         The name of the big storage
  VpsName                Name of the vps that the big storage should attach to.

Usage example and how it should be interpeted

# We look at the following usage example:
# bigstorage:attachvps [options] [--] <BigStorageName> <VpsName>

# Interpertation of the above
tipctl bigstorage:attachvps example-bigstorage3 examples-vps4

Demo / Read Only Modes

Test mode

Test mode allows you to connect to your TransIP account and execute actions without making any changes to your products or your account. In the test process, all actions are evaluated as best as possible, comparable to production mode. If any given argument is incorrect, then you will see errors that explain why a query was unsuccessful.

While executing any command, you can provide an argument called --test. This lets our API know that the command you executed is a test and no changes will occur in your TransIP account.

# Example for all commands
# tipctl --test <command> <arguments>

# How you should use this
tipctl --test vps:order vps-bladevps-x1 debian-9

Demo mode

Demo mode allows you to connect to the TransIP demo account and interact with the demo account to give you perspective on how you can use Tipctl with a TransIP account.

# Example for all commands
# tipctl --demo <command>

# How this should be used
tipctl --demo vps:getall

RestAPI Library

How PHP resource calls are implemented

Since this project is built on the RestAPI PHP library, in the library README.md we recommend to look in to this CLI project for examples on how we have implemented the available resource calls that exist in the RestAPI library.

Where to find the implementations

All commands implemented in this project are located inside the src/Command/ directory. Each class represents a command for Tipctl.

Every class has a execute method that will look like this:

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    $domains = $this->getTransipApi()->domains()->getAll();

The code snippet in the code above is equivalent to this library example:

$domains = $api->domains()->getAll();

To see how to retrieve all invoices in your TransIP account, you would look in to the file: src/Command/Invoice/GetAll.php

The code example for this should be interpreted like this:

* Implementation in tipctl
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    $page = $input->getArgument(Field::PAGE);
    $itemsPerPage = $input->getArgument(Field::ITEMS_PER_PAGE);

    $invoices = $this->getTransipApi()->invoice()->getSelection($page, $itemsPerPage);


* How this implementation should be interpreted and used when using the RestAPI library
$page = 1;
$itemsPerPage = 25;
$invoices = $api->invoice()->getSelection($page, $itemsPerPage);

To see all implementations in this project, you can see what commands are available by downloading Tipctl and listing all available commands. You can then use this as a reference point to find your desired class.