keras-js copied to clipboard
require keras.js in tampermonkey/userscript/greasymonkey
I am trying to use keras.js in my tampermonkey userscript
// ==/UserScript==
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
but here comes the error:
Syntax error @ " Bot Championship Edition"!
JSHINT output:
require: (E030) Expected an identifier and instead saw '<' on line: 8 at character: 1
require: (E033) Expected an operator and instead saw '!' on line: 8 at character: 2
require: (W030) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression on line: 8 at character: 2
require: (E058) Missing semicolon on line: 8 at character: 3
require: (W030) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression on line: 8 at character: 3
require: (E058) Missing semicolon on line: 8 at character: 10
require: (E030) Expected an identifier and instead saw '<' on line: 9 at character: 1
require: (E041) Unrecoverable syntax error. (0% scanned) on line: 9 at character: 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
at eval (<anonymous>)
at <anonymous>:2:398
at Object.b [as F_c] (<anonymous>:2:243)
at Object.E_u (<anonymous>:3:66)
at u (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:60:208)
at E (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:58:458)
at Object.create (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:67:51)
at e (eval at exec_fn (:1:108), <anonymous>:15:238)
Notice that it worked well when I used
// @require
So what is the proper way to do that?