Fabian Beier-Trampusch
Fabian Beier-Trampusch
Hi, it works over here, I tried it with stagemonitor version 0.31.0 and the config of your post. I tried it once without the config and once with the config,...
Have you looked which configuration option is picked up at runtime with this guide? https://github.com/stagemonitor/stagemonitor/wiki/Only-show-the-widget-for-authorized-users You do not need to enable the widget globally for that.
@felixbarny I would take a look on this issue in the beginning of November.
Hi there, just wanted to inform you that I have not forgotten this one and will have a look, but can at the moment not state a specific date.
Forked it too, released the npm package `dagre-d3-webpack`. Should work as a drop-in replacement, as long as your update your require/imports.
@Aboisier, @crisbesto: at the moment, scrolling is not possible on iOS devices if `cdkDragDelay` is set and the touch starts on an element with `cdkDrag`. This is IMHO a real...
Hi @Aboisier, I would love to but I lack the time, experience and knowledge about CDK. Thank you for your feedback!