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Average light environment negative in certain case

Open itowers1 opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Hi team!

Finding certain cases where average light environment is less than 0, likely due to the interpolator, but unclear to me why this would be.

Checking out the simple_water_use_model branch, and running the following code, reproduces the error. Alternatively, repex_canopy_issue.R in example_vignettes can also be used (has the below code).



p0 <- scm_base_parameters("FF16w")

p_50_2_K_s <- function(p50){

calc_vul_b <- function(p_50, c){
  num <- p_50
  den <- (-log(1-50/100))^(1/c)

calc_psi_crit <- function(b,c) {

# set default values 
run_FF16w_model <- function(inputs){
  ctrl = scm_base_control()
  for(v in names(ctrl)){
    if(length(inputs[[v]]) > 0){
        ctrl[[v]] <- inputs[[v]]
  p0 <- scm_base_parameters("FF16w")
  p0$max_patch_lifetime <- inputs$max_patch_lifetime
  p50_1 <- inputs$p50_1
  p50_2 <- inputs$p50_2
    epsilon_leaf = 0.00001
  } else{
    epsilon_leaf = inputs$epsilon_leaf
  ## increase birth rates to 10 or 50
  p1 <- expand_parameters(trait_matrix(c(p50_1, p50_2), "p_50"), p0, mutant=FALSE, birth_rate_list = c(1,1))
  p1$strategies[[1]]$K_s <- p_50_2_K_s(p50_1)
  p1$strategies[[1]]$b <- calc_vul_b(p50_1, p1$strategies[[1]]$c)
  p1$strategies[[1]]$psi_crit <- calc_psi_crit(p1$strategies[[1]]$b, p1$strategies[[1]]$c)
  p1$strategies[[1]]$epsilon_leaf <- epsilon_leaf
  p1$strategies[[1]]$recruitment_decay <- inputs$recruitment_decay
  p1$strategies[[2]]$K_s <- p_50_2_K_s(p50_2)
  p1$strategies[[2]]$b <- calc_vul_b(p50_2, p1$strategies[[2]]$c)
  p1$strategies[[2]]$psi_crit <- calc_psi_crit(p1$strategies[[2]]$b, p1$strategies[[2]]$c)
  p1$strategies[[2]]$epsilon_leaf <- epsilon_leaf
  p1$strategies[[2]]$epsilon_leaf <- inputs$recruitment_decay
  env <- make_environment("FF16w", soil_initial_state = rep(inputs$initial_theta, 1), rainfall = inputs$rainfall)
  time1 <- system.time(result <- build_schedule(p1, env, ctrl))
  time2 <- system.time(result <- run_scm_collect(result, env, ctrl, collect_auxiliary_variables = TRUE))
  return(list(result, time1, time2))

poss_run_plant = safely(.f = run_FF16w_model, otherwise = "Error")

inputs <- expand_grid(rainfall = 2.93, p50_1 = 5.99, p50_2 = 8.46, initial_theta = c(0.1), max_patch_lifetime = 11, schedule_eps = NA, ode_tol_abs = NA, ode_tol_rel = NA, epsilon_leaf = NA, recruitment_decay = c(1)) %>%

run_and_save_plant_water_model <- function(..., save = FALSE, dir = NULL){
  input_parameters <- tibble(...)

  if(save == TRUE){
  if(!file.exists(paste("examples_vignettes/outputs/", dir, sep = ""))){

    dir.create(paste("examples_vignettes/outputs/", dir, sep = ""))
  dir <- paste("examples_vignettes/outputs/", dir, "/", sep = "")
  filename <-paste("rainfall_", round(input_parameters$rainfall,2), 
                   "p501_", round(input_parameters$p50_1, 2), 
                   "p502_", round(input_parameters$p50_2, 2), 
                   "lifetime_", input_parameters$max_patch_lifetime,
                   "schedule_eps", round(input_parameters$schedule_eps, 6),
                   "ode_tol_abs", round(input_parameters$ode_tol_abs, 6),
                   "ode_tol_rel", round(input_parameters$ode_tol_rel, 6),
                   "epsilon_leaf", round(input_parameters$epsilon_leaf, 6),
                   "theta", input_parameters$initial_theta,
                   "recruitment_decay", input_parameters$recruitment_decay,
                   ".RDS", sep="")

  path <- paste(dir, filename, sep="")
  result <- poss_run_plant(input_parameters)
  result<-list(result, input_parameters)
  saveRDS(result, path)
  else {
    print(paste("skipping", path, "already done", sep = " "))
  } else {
  result <- poss_run_plant(input_parameters)
  result<-list(result, input_parameters)

result <- pmap(inputs, run_and_save_plant_water_model, save = FALSE, dir = "recruitment_dynamics")

itowers1 avatar Sep 12 '22 06:09 itowers1