SecureEnclaveCrypto icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SecureEnclaveCrypto copied to clipboard

Demonstration library for using the Secure Enclave on iOS

Results 5 SecureEnclaveCrypto issues
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Hi, How do i identify and delete the secure encalve key when i use transfer from another iphone directly, icloud restore erases keychain value , so i am able to...

According to [Working with Secure Enclave](, we can use `kSecKeyAlgorithmECIESEncryptionCofactorX963SHA256AESGCM` to do AES/GCM with a symmetric key that's wrapped by asymmetric (ECIES) encryption. In investigating this, I added the following...

Apple added a new API to export keys in sane formats. We should use it.

The new MacBookPros have a secure display (Touchbar) and TouchID. We should investigate the applicability of this project and port this project to the new MacBooks.