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A collection of code examples to help you move from Visualforce to LWC.

Visualforce to LWC

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Visualforce to LWC logo

A collection of code examples to help you move from Visualforce to LWC. Each example shows a typical Visualforce pattern and its equivalent implementation in LWC. On each example, there's a link that takes you right to the Visualforce or LWC code in GitHub. Heavy usage of base components and features as Lightning Data Service.

Trailhead Badge Learn more about this app by completing the Quick Start: Explore the Visualforce to LWC Sample App Trailhead project.

Table of contents

  • Installing Visualforce to LWC Using a Scratch Org: This is the recommended installation option. Use this option if you are a developer who wants to experience the app and the code.

  • Installing Visualforce to LWC Using an Unlocked Package: This option allows anybody to experience the sample app without installing a local development environment.

  • Installing Visualforce to LWC using a Developer Edition Org or a Trailhead Playground: Useful when tackling Trailhead Badges or if you want the app deployed to a more permanent environment than a Scratch org.

  • Optional installation instructions

  • Code tours

Installing the app using a Scratch Org

  1. Set up your environment. Follow the steps in the Quick Start: Lightning Web Components Trailhead project. The steps include:

    • Enable Dev Hub in your Trailhead Playground
    • Install Salesforce CLI
    • Install Visual Studio Code
    • Install the Visual Studio Code Salesforce extensions
  2. If you haven't already done so, authorize with your hub org and provide it with an alias (myhuborg in the command below):

    sfdx auth:web:login -d -a myhuborg
  3. Clone the visualforce-to-lwc repository:

    git clone
    cd visualforce-to-lwc
  4. Create a scratch org and provide it with an alias (visualforce-to-lwc in the command below):

    sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a visualforce-to-lwc
  5. Push the app to your scratch org:

    sfdx force:source:push
  6. Assign the Visualforce_to_LWC permission set to the default user:

    sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n Visualforce_to_LWC
  7. (Optional) Assign the Walkthroughs permission set to the default user.

    Note: this will enable your user to use In-App Guidance Walkthroughs, allowing you to be taken through a guided tour of the sample app. The Walkthroughs permission set gets auto-created with In-App guidance activation.

    sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n Walkthroughs
  8. Import sample data:

    sfdx force:data:tree:import -p ./data/sample-data-plan.json
  9. Open the scratch org:

    sfdx force:org:open
  10. In Setup, under Themes and Branding, activate the Visualforce to LWC theme.

  11. In App Launcher, click View all then select the Visualforce to LWC app.

Installing the app using an Unlocked Package

Follow this set of instructions if you want to deploy the app to a more permanent environment than a Scratch org or if you don't want to install the local developement tools. You can use a non source-tracked orgs such as a free Developer Edition Org or a Trailhead Playground.

Make sure to start from a brand-new environment to avoid conflicts with previous work you may have done.

  1. Log in to your org

  2. Click this link to install the Visualforce to LWC unlocked package in your org.

  3. Select Install for All Users

  4. Import Account and Contacts data:

    • Click here to acccess the Accounts-Contacts.csv file. Right click in the browser window and save the file as Accounts-Contacts.csv.
    • In Setup, type Data Import in the Quick Find box and click Data Import Wizard.
    • Click Launch Wizard.
    • Click Accounts and Contacts, and click Add New Records.
    • Select Match Account by: Name & Site.
    • Drag the Accounts-Contacts.csv file you just saved to the upload area.
    • Click Next, Next, and Start Import.
  5. If you're attempting the Quick Start on Trailhead, this step is required, but otherwise, skip:

    • Go to Setup > Users > Permission Sets.
    • Click Visualforce_to_LWC.
    • Click Manage Assignments.
    • Check your user and click Add Assignments.
  6. In Setup, under Themes and Branding, activate the Visualforce to LWC theme.

  7. In App Launcher, click View all then select the LWC app.

Installing the App using a Developer Edition Org or a Trailhead Playground

Follow this set of instructions if you want to deploy the app to a more permanent environment than a Scratch org. This includes non source-tracked orgs such as a free Developer Edition Org or a Trailhead Playground.

Make sure to start from a brand-new environment to avoid conflicts with previous work you may have done.

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd visualforce-to-lwc
  2. Authorize with your Trailhead Playground or Developer org and provide it with an alias (mydevorg in the command below):

    sfdx auth:web:login -s -a mydevorg
  3. Run this command in a terminal to deploy the app.

    sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app
  4. Assign the Visualforce_to_LWC permission set to the default user.

    sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n Visualforce_to_LWC
  5. Import some sample data.

    sfdx force:data:tree:import -p ./data/sample-data-plan.json
  6. If your org isn't already open, open it now:

    sfdx force:org:open -u mydevorg
  7. In Setup, under Themes and Branding, activate the Visualforce to LWC theme.

  8. In App Launcher, select the Visualforce to LWC app.

Optional Installation Instructions

This repository contains several files that are relevant if you want to integrate modern web development tooling to your Salesforce development processes, or to your continuous integration/continuous deployment processes.

Code formatting

Prettier is a code formatter used to ensure consistent formatting across your code base. To use Prettier with Visual Studio Code, install this extension from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. The .prettierignore and .prettierrc files are provided as part of this repository to control the behavior of the Prettier formatter.

Code linting

ESLint is a popular JavaScript linting tool used to identify stylistic errors and erroneous constructs. To use ESLint with Visual Studio Code, install this extension from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. The .eslintignore file is provided as part of this repository to exclude specific files from the linting process in the context of Lighning Web Components development.

Pre-commit hook

This repository also comes with a package.json file that makes it easy to set up a pre-commit hook that enforces code formatting and linting by running Prettier and ESLint every time you git commit changes.

To set up the formatting and linting pre-commit hook:

  1. Install Node.js if you haven't already done so
  2. Run npm install in your project's root folder to install the ESLint and Prettier modules (Note: Mac users should verify that Xcode command line tools are installed before running this command.)

Note: This projects also contains Jest tests for unit testing Lightning Web Components. If you experience errors regarding deasync when running npm install please check out the troubleshooting information in the lwc-jest repository.

Prettier and ESLint will now run automatically every time you commit changes. The commit will fail if linting errors are detected. You can also run the formatting and linting from the command line using the following commands (check out package.json for the full list):

npm run lint
npm run prettier

Code Tours

Code Tours are guided walkthroughs that will help you understand the app code better. To be able to run them, install the CodeTour VSCode extension.