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Error installing. No access to component runtime_sales_social:socialPanel
Trying to install this package on a developer org, Organization Edition = Partner Developer Edition. Installing the 3rd link ("Installing Easy Spaces by URL process" - step #6: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t1I0000036tYUQAY ) package fails with error: "(Contact_Record_Page) Your org doesn't have access to component runtime_sales_social:socialPanel." How to install, or what are the correct installation requirements?
I have managed to install this package through trial and error. Encountered 2 errors:
error #1: "(Contact_Record_Page) Your org doesn't have access to component runtime_sales_social:socialPanel." to solve: Setup > "Social Accounts and Contacts Settings" = Enable
error #2: "Your org doesn't have access to component forceChatter:recordFeedContainer" to solve: Setup > Chatter > "Chatter Settings" = Enable