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Extra functionality for leaflet R package.

Results 101 leaflet.extras issues
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Is it possible to make polygons not completely move while editing? Can of like this example(http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.draw/docs/examples-0.7.x/full.html), where you edit, you cannot drag the polygon but edit the vertices. If anyone...

In installing the github version of package, I saw the size of zip is 24M. There are a lot of plugins supported in the package, but user probably will not...

It'd be amazing to get incorporate the leaflet.wms.js plugin into leaflet.extras at some point. A particularly useful part of this package would be to get support to identify features via...

I'm totally new to Leaflet Heatmap. All I want to know is, how the mapping of values i.e. datapoints are appended to colors in gradients? Can I set any kind...

I would like to add a tile layer for the focus area of a map I'm building, something like this: ![clipped-tiles-leaflet](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8197328/30517830-33c205e2-9b20-11e7-8b88-43f3b080ae77.PNG) This image comes from @KoGor's [Dynamic Tile Clipping](http://bl.ocks.org/KoGor/c6838e2800c8dd8eaf96) example....

You wrote in your documentation of the Heatmap plugin on http://rpubs.com/bhaskarvk/leaflet-heat, that it's possible to set the size in meters and used the code `leaflet(df) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addHeatmap(lng=~lng, lat=~lat,...

Dear Bhaskar, as inquired on Twitter, I think it would be great to have the [sidebar-v2 plugin](https://github.com/Turbo87/sidebar-v2) accessible via leaflet.extras. It is particularly valuable to polish a "to-be-delivered" map with...

I've read a similar question [here](https://github.com/bhaskarvk/leaflet.extras/issues/40), but I don't think that it is applicable to my situation. I just want to know how to assign layerIds to different shapes as...


Hi @bhaskarvk Thank you very much for this wonderful package. You did a great job. The option `fillOpacity` in the function`addGeoJSONChoropleth()` seems to work just with a constant value (e.g....


https://github.com/bhaskarvk/leaflet.extras/issues/96 Questions: - [ ] R leaflet `layerManager` only supports full removal with the key combination of `category` and `layerId`. I used category as `null` but we could easily use...