
Results 27 issues of trafficonese

The content doesn't change when I click on another accordion item. Am I missing something? ``` library(shiny) library(htmltools) library(bsplus) ui % bs_append( title_side = "John Lennon", content_side = "Rhythm guitar,...


A click on a node, should return information of the clicked element in Shiny, maybe also some information of it's parent-nodes and child-nodes.

It is by design, that I can type in the letter "e" in the `numericInput`? ```R library(shiny) ui

Trying the kaleido example, I get this error and no picture. ``` library(plotly) p Error in py_run_string_impl(code, local, convert) : > NameError: name 'sys' is not defined

should we do that?

fix #88 now all the github action changes are in here aswell, so it should fix #90 too

First release: * [x] `usethis::use_cran_comments()` * [x] Update (aspirational) install instructions in README * [x] Proofread `Title:` and `Description:` * [x] Check that all exported functions have `@return` and `@examples`...

When using Leaflet Control Layers, the attribution of the WMS Layer stays the same. ``` // Add WMS source/layers var source = L.wms.source("", { "format": "image/png", "transparent": "true", "attribution": "Some...