
Results 130 comments of trafficonese

@iboumiza The package should work with API-keys, so I dont really understand which script should be updated? Previously it also worked without an API-key, but apparently that old API is...

I just tried out these functions. They all worked for me. But I can confirm, the old API is no longer valid. ``` coinmarketcapr::setup('YOUR_API_KEY') res

Yes definitly, since they will not work anymore. We also need to adapt the docs/warnings/errors/etc. And maybe make the tests finally consistent, so they always run through. Aren't you also...

This should be visible in the response. ``` "status": { "timestamp": "2020-03-27T14:41:48.467Z", "error_code": 1006, "error_message": "Your API Key subscription plan doesn't support this endpoint.", "elapsed": 0, "credit_count": 0 } ```...

If you use the same code within a Shiny-app everything seems to work fine.. ``` library(shiny) library(leaflet) library(leaflet.extras2) ui % leaflet.extras2::addEasyprint(options = easyprintOptions(position = "topright", exportOnly=FALSE, #or true does not...

Hey, unfortunately this is not very straightforward. You would have to look at the demos of or the code at It basically transforms GRIB2 data to JSON, but...

This seems to be a Cross-Origin-problem and might have to be tackled in the [underlying library]( Those are the errors I see in the browser console:

If you need it only for local development, there is this [Chrome plugin](, which overwrites `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`. The following shiny-app should work with activated CORS changer. But including `popupOptions` seems to...

Is the pulseIcon function from leaflet.extras not working as expected or are there bugs to be fixed? I still use `leafet.extras` heavily and wouldn't give it up right away. I...

Hey @ccamara , unfortunately I havent worked too much with crosstalk so my knowledge about it is very limited, but isn't it supposed to connect htmlwidgets together? I am not...