RippleEffect copied to clipboard
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Underflow in restore - more restores than saves
android 6.0.1 Mi Note
Same on Moto X Force 6.0.1
All devices running Android 6.0 are crashing
Same with my problem in Android 6.0
Duplicate to
Possible fix:
Workaround until bug is fixed
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Hitta:RippleEffect:82cf00e551'
dependencies { compile 'com.github.traex.rippleeffect:library:1.3' }
i use this in my build.gradle,it has the same problem with android 6.0,but when i use source code ,it not problem,so i think it not update in jctener.
same issue on android 6.0 nexus 6p
same issue on android 6.0 on genymotion..
the same issue on android 6.0 on MI5
i got it too. Please fix it. Thanks
Is there any progress made on this ?
Here, try this fixed version: