tensorflow_ros copied to clipboard
Project moved to tensorflow_ros_cpp
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04, and needed to compile tensorflow-gpu because of the newer nvidia drivers and cuda toolkit on this machine. On other machines with a normal `pip` `tensorflow` install,...
Hi there, Thank you for the awesome work! I have successfully built the package with Python 3.6 and TF 1.4. (after some minor changes). When including it in a simple...
I get the following issue when running ```catkin_make``` on the tensorflow_ros_test package: ``` [100%] Linking CXX executable /home/sebastien/tf-ros_ws/devel/lib/tensorflow_ros_test/tensorflow_ros_test_node CMakeFiles/tensorflow_ros_test_node.dir/src/test.cpp.o: In function `main': test.cpp:(.text+0x158): undefined reference to `tensorflow::Status::ToString[abi:cxx11]() const' test.cpp:(.text+0x1f0): undefined...