aws-clean-untagged-resources copied to clipboard
AWS Clean Untagged Resources will notify you on Slack and terminate/stop untagged EC2/RDS resources!
AWS-Clean Untagged Resources
This script will notify you on Slack and terminate/stop untagged EC2/RDS resources!
📚 Usage
The project is using Lambda to periodically check your AWS account for untagged or not persistent EC2, RDS & ECS with Fargate resources. It has 3 possible behavior:
- NOTIFY: This mode will scan for untagged EC2/RDS instances and send a message on your Slack workspace
- STOP: This mode will scan for untagged EC2/RDS instances and stop them
- TERMINATE: This mode will scan for untagged EC2/RDS instances and terminate them
The Lambda will also check for resources tagged with a lifetime tag to be able to define from when a resource should be
terminated. For example if we have the tag Lifetime
, it means that the resource should live at least 10 days and the
lambda won't stop/terminate this resource until the lifetime has been expired or Lifetime
to directly define
an expiration date for the resource.
Before deploying the lambda function you'll have to make a zip of your code like the following:
$ cd aws-clean-untagged-resources
Make sure that you've installed dependencies, if not you can use the following command:
$ pip3 install --target ./package -r requirements.txt
You're now able to zip your packages (you can skip this part if packages were already zipped:
cd package
zip -r ../../ .
cd ..
Now everytime you do some changes on your code you will have to zip your code like the following:
zip -g ../ *.py
Documentation sources:
🚀 Deploy
You will need a S3 bucket in order to deploy the Lambda with Cloudformation You will need to create a Slack webhook on your slack workspace
To deploy the function, replace the variables in the following commands:
$ aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET --s3-prefix YOUR_S3_PREFIX --output-template-file output.yaml
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output.yaml --stack-name STACK_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides SlackWebHook=YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ScheduleExpression="cron(0 16 ? * THU *)" PersistentTagKey=MY_RESOURCE_TAG_NAME PersistentTagValue=MY_RESOURCE_TAG_VALUE LifetimeTagKey=LIFETIME_TAG_KEY Behavior=notify|stop|terminate AwsRegions=AWS_REGIONS
Usage example: If you want to notify on Slack about untagged resources on Thursday at 4pm and stop them on Sunday at 4pm you will need to deploy 2 stacks with the following:
$ aws cloudformation package --template-file template.yml --s3-bucket YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_BUCKET --s3-prefix YOUR_S3_PREFIX --output-template-file output.yaml
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output.yaml --stack-name STACK_NAME-notify --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides SlackWebHook=YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ScheduleExpression="cron(0 16 ? * THU *)" PersistentTagKey=MY_RESOURCE_TAG_NAME PersistentTagValue=MY_RESOURCE_TAG_VALUE Behavior=notify AwsRegions=AWS_REGION1,AWS_REGION2 LifetimeTagKey=LIFETIME_TAG_KEY
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file output.yaml --stack-name STACK_NAME-stop --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides SlackWebHook=YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ScheduleExpression="cron(0 16 ? * SUN *)" PersistentTagKey=MY_RESOURCE_TAG_NAME PersistentTagValue=MY_RESOURCE_TAG_VALUE Behavior=stop AwsRegions=AWS_REGION1,AWS_REGION2 LifetimeTagKey=LIFETIME_TAG_NAME
💣 Destroy
$ aws cloudformation delete-stack STACK_NAME
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We are an Amazon Web Services Advanced Consulting Partner specializing in cloud management, consulting, and software development solutions based in Venice, CA.