MusicBeeFly icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MusicBeeFly copied to clipboard

A MusicBee remote controling plugin

MusicBee Fly


MusicBee Fly is a MusicBee plugin to enable remote controling of MusicBee by your mobile phone.

MusicBee Fly does include two parts : Plugin and App, Plugin was built by C#, App was built by ionic4 + AngularJs + Cordova. The UI uses iOS style of ionic4 to show the same style on different platforms.

  • Installation
    MusicBee Fly Plugin Installation
    MusicBee Fly App Installation

  • Usage
    MusicBee Fly Plugin Usage
    MusicBee Fly App Usage

  • Multiple Languages

  • Knows Issues

  • Thanks

  • Contact

  • Donate


MuiscBee Fly Plugin Installation

Get the latest plugin from the release page, unzip the zip file and copy the file mb_fly.dll and the folder mb_fly.www into the folder of MusicBee Plugins. Please remember to close the MusicBee main program, the plugin will be effective when you re-open the MusicBee program.


MusicBee Fly App Installation

App could be installed as WebApp or Native App, suggest to install Native App for better user experience.

iPhone App

You cannot get it from Apple App Store in this stage because I have no an Apple developer acccount.

iPhone WebApp

iOS starts to support PWA(Progress Web Application) from 11.3, it means you can add MusicBee Fly as a WebApp.

  1. Open either of the below two urls on your iPhone's Safari
URL Remark Suggested, because this url will be always online and latest version
http://ip:port/ Provided by your MusicBee Fly Plugin, only available when your MusicBee are opening
  1. Click the share button and then click the button Add to main screen

  2. Now you can see the MusicBee Fly icon on your main screen, click it like a native app, enjoy it

iphone-1 iphone-2 iphone-3 iphone-4

Android App

Get the apk file from the release page and install it on your Android phone.

Android WebApp

If you don't want to install the apk file, you may also install it as an Android WebApp.

Use Google Chrome to do it like iPhone Safari above, Chrome may remind you the HTTP is unsafe, please ignore it because MusicBee Fly cannot use SSL.

chrome chrome2


MuiscBee Fly Plugin Usage

The plugin seting panel could be opened from "MusicBee perferences" -> "Plugins" -> "MusicBee Fly Setting".


Suggest to fix the IP address of your computer.

  • Your computer has a internet IP:
    Please remember to set a strong password.

  • Your computer is a part of company network:
    Please remember to set a password.

  • Your computer is a part of the family network:
    No need to set the password.

MuiscBee Fly App Usage

  • Login
    No need to input the password if you didn't set a password in the plugin.


  • Now Playing List


  • Now Playing Track


  • Music Library


  • Search


  • Playlist


  • Settings


Multiple Languages

MusicBee Fly App now supports 简体中文、繁体中文 and English, if you would translate it as other language, please try to transalte the below JSON file and send back me for next version.


Known Issues

  • Socket connection issue
    Websocket may be closed when the App becames inactive

  • Cannot support the cue file
    MusicBee Fly cannot well support the cue file because the MusicBee plugin interface doesn't support it.
    Suggest to use CUE Splitter(can get it from Miscrosoft Store) to split the single track as multiple tracks.

  • WebApp cache problem
    iPhone WebApp may eccounter some problems because it depends on auto cache of Safari, if the WebApp doesn't work, you may try the following approaches,

    • Delete MusicBee Fly from main screen, clean the Safari cache, and re-add the WebApp

    • Suggest to add the url as the WebApp because the url will be always online.



[email protected]


If you like my project, please donate it to me.




