Ari Seyhun
Ari Seyhun
Currently, server signals are read only on the client, and cannot be updated other than by the server. It would be nice to have writable signals from the client. I...
Adds support for anonymous events, where the handler is inlined in the html. ```rust html! { button @click=(|state| state.count += 1) { "Increment" } } ``` **Upsides:** - Reduces boilerplate...
The following router shows 404 with `/index.html`, but instead only works with `//index.html` (with double `/` prefix). ```rust router! { "/" => static_router!("./static") } ``` This should be fixed so...
Now that most important features are in place, unit tests should be written for the library.
When running this on my svelte app, I receive the following error: > ERROR: Cannot find import ../data/menu-items.yml for /src/components/layout/Header.svelte My Header.svelte file contains: ```svelte import menuItems from '../data/menu-items.yml' import...
Would it be possible to disable specific keybindings based on the name of the current program running in a panel? While using some programs such as nvim, I have a...
Updates scylla to use version 0.11.1, and updates other outdated dependencies. Additionally adds `resolver = "2"` to the workspace config.
The default button variant seems to be `Primary`, however this isn't typically the most common button variant, and comparing with Pigment, Naive UI, and AntDesign, they all default to a...
The Select component takes a `Model` for the value. But this over complicates things in most cases, since there select would never have a `None` option. So the user needs...