That works. But it introduces new issue as " I can interaction with UITableView when it's refreshing". My workaround is this: Just invoke `dg_stopScrollingAnimation` function inside `dg_stopLoading` and remove all...
My main use case is tensor manipulation, but I need to leverage the advantages of universal memory to reduce the cost of memory copying. I wonder are there ways to...
> Thinking about possible methods, an option is to just bundle the metal source code and have the metal framework compile everything on the fly from the source - this...
@akuz I can't recall what I did. I just copy `mlx.metallib` next to the compiled executable file, not to framework nor resources dir as you mentioned in #1286. and I...
Same issue here~
One tiny issue about [`stft` in mlx-example/whisper](https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx-examples/blob/main/whisper/whisper/audio.py#L104-L127), the `noverlap` parameter does not actually represent the overlap of frames; instead, it is semantically equivalent to `hop_length` in `torch.stft`. I found it...
> Is it not the same as `noverlap` in the Scipy implementation? https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.signal.stft.html > > I think that's a good reference to follow. No. According to [this](https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/7dcd8c59933524986923cde8e9126f5fc2e6b30b/scipy/signal/_spectral_py.py#L1474) `hop_length = nperseg...
> Still working on this CL, shouldn't be much longer. Cool. I was implementing a `istft` specific to my problem, not a general one.