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Experimental React Native declarative navigation

React Nonav

React Native declarative and reactive navigation.

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This repo focuses on grouping screens by business conversion tunnels called canals. Why did I call it react-nonav? Just because I though of this package when I was visiting Venice... and I kind of hope that using this package will feel like navigating in Venice 📸

When you use React Nonav, you define several screens and you have the possibility to control their visibility with YOUR state machine. You define the rules of WHEN some screens should appear; react-nonav takes care of the rest.

👍 TLDR; Use this package if:

  • you want to group screens by business conversion tunnels rather than transition.
  • you want to control your navigation state with YOUR state machine.
  • you want your navigation to react to YOUR store changes.

👎 Do not use this repo if:

  • you want to navigate imperatively.
  • you need to use Native navigation (react-nonav's navigation is powered by JS code only).

Docs Netlify Status

The docs are here: Powered by the incredible docz.


  • Clone this repository.
  • Run yarn in the root directory.
  • Run yarn in the example directory.
  • Add your code and its test in the <rootDir>/src directory.
  • Add your example code and its test in the <rootDir>/example directory.
  • Open a pull request !

Run the example project

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run yarn in the root directory.
  • Run yarn in the example directory.
  • In the example directory, run either react-native run-ios or react-native run-android.
