react-bucket-list copied to clipboard
React Bucket List example for Docker-compose tutorial
React Bucket List (Containerless)
- Postgres
- Node
- Yarn
- Install node modules:
cd api && yarn
cd ..
cd app && yarn
cd ..
- Create a psql user:
- username: myappuser
- password: myapppassword
sudo -u postgres bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER myappuser WITH PASSWORD 'myapppassword';\""
- Create a psql database and assign it to our user:
- db: myappdb
- owner: myappuser
sudo -u postgres bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE myappdb WITH OWNER myappuser;\""
- Run the migrations:
cd api && yarn sequelize db:migrate
yarn sequelize db:seed:all
- Run the API
cd api && yarn start:dev
- Run the APP
cd app && yarn start
Visit localhost:3000