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Question about scaling propr to very large data sets (Part 1)

Open suzannejin opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Hi Thom! Regarding the issue of large memory usage, I managed to reimplement what you proposed to me in the following pseudocode:

Alternatively, you could break down the whole propr + FDR routine into chunks. propr(Ai, Aj) does not depend on Ak so long as Ai,Aj,Ak are already CLR transformed. The pseudo-code might look like this:
# CLR transform all data right away
# define chunks (see attached propr.dopar script)
# for each chunk:
#   myCLR_chunk = subset chunk from CLR transformed data
#   pr_chunk = propr(myCLR_chunk, ivar = NA)
#   fdr_chunk = updateCutoffs(pr)
#   save whatever information you want
# end for

So now I am able to use propr on large datasets without running out of memory. Thanks a lot for the help!

I'm posting the functions here:

propr.chunk <- function(counts, metric = c("rho", "phi", "phs", "cor", "vlr"),
                        ivar = NA, symmetrize = FALSE, alpha=NA, p=100, fdr=0.05,
                        n=100, ncores = 1, interval=seq(0.3,0.95,0.01),
                        dir = NA){
  # divide data into chunks
  # I recommend using large chunk size n,
  # otherwise dividing the data into too many chunks will slow down the computation
  l <- blocks2combs(counts, n)
  combs <- l[[1]]
  split <- l[[2]]
  # parallelize propr computation for i chunks
  doMC::registerDoMC(cores = ncores)
  `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  RES <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:nrow(combs)) %dopar% {

    # get chunk
    batch1 <- split[[combs[i,1]]]
    batch2 <- split[[combs[i,2]]]
    chunk = subset(counts, select = c(batch1, batch2))

    # compute propr 
    l_propr <- chunk2propr(i, chunk, metric=metric, ivar=ivar, symmetrize=symmetrize, alpha=alpha, p=p, interval=interval, fdr=fdr)

      # return propr matrix, fdr
      # save data if required
      file2 <- paste0(dir, "/job-", combs[i,1], "+", combs[i,2], ".csv")
      print(paste("----saving tmp file[", i, "] to ", file2, sep=""))
      write.csv(l_propr[[1]], file=file2)

      # return cutoff and FDR
      list(NULL, l_propr[[2]])

  # collect files
    RES <- file2res(RES, combs, dir)

  # merge chunks
  l_propr <- chunk2full(counts, RES, split, combs, fdr)

blocks2combs <- function(counts, n){

  # define blocks
  # the resulting chunks will have size of at most [n, n]
  nblocks = ncol(counts) %/% n
  ngroup <- rep(1:nblocks, each = n)
  leftover <- ncol(counts) - length(ngroup)
  if(leftover > 0) ngroup <- c(ngroup, rep(nblocks + 1, leftover))

  # check size
  # here I decided to stop computation if no more than 2 groups are generated (so only 1 chunk)
  # so if this happens you better change n
  if (length(unique(ngroup)) <= 2){
    stop(paste("ERROR: chunk size ", n, " is too big for data frame of size [", nrow(counts), "][", ncol(counts), "]", sep=""))

  # split groups
  # each row in combs define a chunk
  split <- split(1:ncol(counts), ngroup)
  combs <- expand.grid(1:length(split), 1:length(split))
  combs <- t(apply(combs, 1, sort))
  combs <- unique(combs) 
  combs <- combs[combs[,1] != combs[,2],]

  print(paste("----runing propr for ", nrow(combs), " chunks of size ", n))

  return(list(combs, split))

chunk2propr <- function(i, chunk, metric="rho", ivar=NA, symmetrize=FALSE,
                        alpha, p=100, interval=seq(0.4,0.95,0.01), fdr=0.05 ){


  # compute propr for chunk
  rho.i <- propr(chunk, metric = metric, ivar = ivar, alpha = alpha, p=p)
  rho.i <- updateCutoffs(rho.i,interval)

  # get cutoff | fdr
  df <- data.frame('cutoff'=rho.i@fdr[,'cutoff'], 'FDR'=rho.i@fdr[,'FDR'])

  return(list(rho.i@matrix, df))

chunk2full <- function(counts, RES, split, combs, fdr){
  # define variables
  QUILT <- matrix(0, ncol(counts), ncol(counts))
  d <- data.frame('cutoff'=RES[[1]][[2]][,'cutoff'])

  # collect chunks
  for(i in 1:nrow(combs)){

    # add fdr.i
    d[paste('FDR', i, sep="")] <- RES[[i]][[2]][,'FDR']

    # Fill final matrix with each chunk
    batch1 <- split[[combs[i,1]]]
    batch2 <- split[[combs[i,2]]]
    patch.i <- c(batch1, batch2)
    QUILT[patch.i, patch.i] <- RES[[i]][[1]]

  # average fdr
  df <- data.frame('cutoff'=RES[[1]][[2]][,'cutoff'], 'FDR'=round(rowSums(d[,2:ncol(d)])/i,4))
  # cutoff
  cutoff <- min(df[df[,"FDR"]<fdr,"cutoff"])

  # rename columns & rows
  matrix <- QUILT
  rownames(matrix) <- colnames(counts)
  colnames(matrix) <- colnames(counts)

  return(list(matrix, cutoff, df))

file2res <- function(RES, combs, dir){

  print(paste("----collecting ", nrow(combs), " chunk files previously saved in ", dir, sep=""))

  for(i in 1:nrow(combs)){
    file2 <- paste0(dir, "/job-", combs[i,1], "+", combs[i,2], ".csv")
    csv <- read.csv(file2, row.names = 1, header= TRUE)
    matrix <- data.matrix(csv)
    RES[[i]][[1]] <- matrix

  # remove tmp files
  unlink(dir2, recursive=TRUE)


So, to run these functions and get the final propr results, you can just do:

# CLR transformation
clr = propr:::proprCLR(M)

# run proportionality analysis per chunk 
ch = propr.chunk(clr, metric="rho", ivar=NA, alpha=NA, ncores=4, p=20, n=5000,
                 interval=seq(0.3,0.95,0.01), dir="/path/to/tmpdir")
matrix = ch[[1]]
cutoff = ch[[2]]
fdr = ch[[3]]

# organize results data frame
labels <- propr:::labRcpp(ncol(clr))
# lrv <- propr:::lr2vlr(clr)   # somehow this step does not work for me
results <-
      "Partner" = labels[[1]],
      "Pair" = labels[[2]],
      # "lrv" = propr:::lltRcpp(lrv),
      # "metric" = factor(metric),
      # "alpha" = factor(alpha),
      "propr" = propr:::lltRcpp(matrix)

# get proportional pairs
results = results[mypairs,]   # this is the final result with the pairs (propr>=cutoff)

suzannejin avatar Nov 24 '20 14:11 suzannejin

Thanks suzannejin for sharing! I will leave this thread open in case others have questions about the using the code.

tpq avatar Jan 04 '21 20:01 tpq