After the call to dnd5e.preCalculateDamage, is force set to {} / {active: "Immunity", multiplier: 0). In midi-qol I have occasion to want to configure some of the actives during...
Only in the default case is the roll awaited, this has the side effect of leaving the dialog open until the dice so nice 3d dice rolls complete. Also can...
In Midi-qol I broadcast LMRTFY requests targeted to a specific user. In the case of player owned characters (when the player is not logged in) I want to be able...
LMRTFY only accepts an actor ID when making a roll request, which means requesting a roll for an unlinked token the actor ID refers to the world actor, not the...
1.5.2 introduced additional per item critical damage dice and per item critical damage threshold which seem not to be included in better rolls.
There is an itemMacro config setting about whether clicking on the item roll icon should call the macro or do a normal roll. It would be nice if that was...
The change to recursive: false in the merge object seems to stop BR picking up the event keys when token action hud is not being used, i.e. rolling from the...
Currently, if a player client attempts to do deleteFilters (or addFilters) that request is sent to a GM client for execution, however awaiting those calls returns as soon as the...
Hey, nice module and looks good (although blue is not my favourite colour :)) I've had a query about midi-qol compatibility and had a look. There is a midi-qol "feature"...
There are quite a few spells that have target definitions of the form allies within 30 ft, creatures within 20 ft etc. Within midi-qol I represented that with a target...