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rvm.vim: Switch Ruby versions from inside Vim
Want to use RVM with Vim? You don't need a plugin to do that: Just start Vim from your RVM enabled shell and it will work. But say you started MacVim from Launchpad, or you started Vim with one version of Ruby and now you want another. That's where rvm.vim comes in.
:Rvm 1.9.2
If you want to see the version that was chosen, use use
:Rvm use default
If you leave off the version, it goes .rvmrc
hunting relative to the
current buffer.
:Rvm use
If you really want to get crazy, you can make this happen automatically as you switch from buffer to buffer.
:autocmd BufEnter * Rvm
You can also invoke any old rvm
:Rvm install 1.9.3
Add %{rvm#statusline()}
to 'statusline'
(or 'titlestring'
) to see
the current Ruby version at all times.
Last but not least, rvm.vim tells recent versions of vim-ruby where your
Ruby installs are located, so that it can set 'path'
in your Ruby buffers to
reflect the nearest .ruby-version
RVM doesn't work in my Vim.
You're using zsh on OS X Yosemite or earlier, aren't you? Move that stupid
to /etc/zprofile
, which is where it correctly lives on El
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Copyright (c) Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See :help license