pythonocc-utils copied to clipboard
Error in Common/smooth_pnts function
def smooth_pnts(pnts):
smooth = [pnts[0]]
for i in range(1, len(pnts)-1):
prev = pnts[i-1]
this = pnts[i]
next_pnt = pnts[i+1]
pt = (prev+this+next_pnt) / 3.0
return smooth
This function is from pythonocc-utils/ The line:
pt = (prev+this+next_pnt) / 3.0
throws this error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'gp_Pnt' and 'float'
It seems to be trying to divide a sum of points by a float? Not sure what is suppose to be happening here. Any help is appreciated!