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Extra functionality: run tests in runtests.jl
In my development workflow I like to write lots of tests and comment in/out in runtests.jl
when necessary. To aid with this I have written two functions to automatically run tests either using Pkg.test()
or using include("project/test/runtests.jl")
to avoid recompiling every time. I was wondering whether you would be interested in adding these to the repo?
To not keep you in suspense the definitions are below
(defun julia-repl-run-tests (arg)
(interactive "P")
(julia-repl-activate-parent arg)
(julia-repl--send-string "Pkg.test()"))
(defun julia-repl-include-tests (arg)
(interactive "P")
(if arg
(message "activating home project")
(julia-repl--send-string "import Pkg; Pkg.activate()"))
(cl-flet ((find-projectfile (filename)
(locate-dominating-file (buffer-file-name) filename)))
(if-let ((projectfile (or (find-projectfile "Project.toml")
(find-projectfile "JuliaProject.toml"))))
(message "activating %s" projectfile)
(concat "import Pkg; Pkg.activate(\""
(expand-file-name (file-name-directory projectfile))
"\"); include(\""
(concat (file-name-directory projectfile)
(file-name-as-directory "test")
(message "could not find project file")))))
You will notice that the last one is mainly a copy of julia-repl-activate-parent
. It may thus be interesting to create an auxiliary function julia-repl-find-project-directory
to avoid code duplication