Takashi Toyoshima

Results 20 comments of Takashi Toyoshima

Example for Japanese 日本語でもOK naomi - 斑鳩 動作 - 動作 などと報告があれば、Wikiの情報を更新します。 動作しない報告も歓迎。基板を入手でき次第、対応を試みます。

English: Reflect https://github.com/toyoshim/iona/issues/1#issuecomment-507971420 to [Compatibility Information](https://github.com/toyoshim/iona/wiki/Compatibility-Information) It's fine to append new report here, or you can file a separate issue so that I can close it after reflecting the report....

Thanks! Now the Virtua Tennis is in the list!

Added. I changed the system board for Virtua Tennis and new two to "naomi" rather than "naomi2" as these titles work on naomi1 too. Regarding the 2000 pro, it seems...

Information above should be seen in the compatibility page now. Thanks a lot!

Sorry, I haven't noticed your question. Yes, using a common ground is fine. RC-LPF is a "kind of analog circuit", but here it is used only to generate a 2.5V...

this will be a good question to be kept open for others.

Let me check if I understand this thread correctly. The original proposal: If a user specify "default" for Request.cache, browser want to modify it to relevant cache mode before showing...

Hi, I just notice your filed request now. I think it should not be so difficult as esp32 is much richer than AVR. CAVEAT: I haven't used esp32 until today,...

In this iona.ino configuration, iona reports 8 channels of analog inputs supports around the line 199. Once the host, e.g. naomi, recognize this report, it will start asking kCmdAnalogInput to...