sphinx-autodoc-typehints copied to clipboard
README does not explain whether this extension is still needed with the current versions of Sphinx
The build-in extension sphinx.ext.autodoc
contains the parameter autodoc_typehints
with option description
since the version 3.0. It seems that this configuration option makes sphinx-autodoc-typehints
obsolete. Am I right?
In any way README should mention the relationship of this third-party extension to the current versions of the Sphinx package.
Plus, it seems that napoleon now can use type annotations:
Maybe this piece of code is now obsolete?
Latest sphinx, no sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
With sphinx-autodoc-typehints:
Which one would you prefer – the one with readable function signatures and annotations with clickable links, or the docs in the first image?
@agronholm there is something wrong in your configuration. I do not use sphinx-autodoc-typehints. Here is my result:
Sphinx' conf.py
extensions = [
autodoc_typehints = "description"
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
$ python3.9 -m pip list | grep -i sphinx
Sphinx 3.5.4
sphinx-rtd-theme 0.5.2
sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4
I just noticed that the built-in functionality simplifies some of the type-annotations. Here is the original:
def flatten_to_list(
json_struct: Union[dict[str, Any], list[Any]], /, *,
parent: str = '', startindex: int = 1, parent_sep: str = '.',
key_order: Iterable[str] = (),
value_converter: Callable = str,
key_converter: Callable = str) -> list[str]:
For me it is still not worth the effort of using an additional 3rd-party extension.
For me it is still not worth the effort of using an additional 3rd-party extension.
You're free not to use this library. No one is forcing you to do so. This library has a different style and is more flexible than the core. For who wants that it will remain here and keep working.