Takafumi Hirata
Takafumi Hirata
Thank you for reporting this issue. While we cannot promise an immediate fix, any additional information you can provide would be incredibly helpful. If possible, please provide a failing test...
You might possibly avoid this issue by setting a publicHost for the emulator. for example, I could confirmed that changing the settings as following avoids the error . https://github.com/mcgizzle/bq-emulator-repro/compare/master...totem3:bq-emulator-repro:master?expand=1 ```...
Recursive CTEs are currently not supported. https://github.com/goccy/go-zetasqlite#query
@ohaibbq Thank you! I confirmed that it works in the latest bigquery-emulator. But when I checked this, I noticed that the results do not match what was expected. In the...
Thank you for reporting. I am currently investigating this issue and would like to share my findings so far. Although more research is needed for a resolution, here's what I've...
Moreover, I noticed that in cases where data exists in the relevant table, it appears that job IDs are sometimes erroneously written into or displayed as dataset IDs. Updated: this...
Thank you for reporting this issue. Could you please provide detailed steps on how to reproduce it? Thank you.
Hi @ohaibbq, Thank you for this summary and your work for improvement. Since we also face performance problems, and the issues you summarized match what I found, I am excited...
@ohaibbq Thank you for sharing the branch! It made verification much easier for me. I haven't looked at the changes in detail yet, but I've tried it. I am excited...