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This an extension module for the MagicMirror². It adds the ability to have different layouts for different profiles.


This an extension for the MagicMirror². This Module adds the ability to have different layouts for different profiles.

Special thanks goes to Paviro for giving input, working together and because this module's classes idea is based on his MMM-Facial-Recognition module's classes idea.


I am not currently active anymore in the MagicMirror community, as I am busy with study and life, hence this project is unmaintained. That means I mostly won't creating new features or be replying to questions in-depth on this module, as I don´t really know how the framework works anymore.

However this module does work as described here so feel free to use it! If you're having problems with the module feel free to ask in an issue, but I will most likely have no answer (but maybe someone does). I will respond to pull requests, so if you have an issue feel free to fix it yourself and shoot me a pull request!


In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone

Using the module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
        module: 'MMM-ProfileSwitcher',
        config: {
            // See 'Configuration options' for more information.

For this module to have an effect you have to assign custom classes to your modules. The class default (if you don't change it) is shown on startup or when switched to. The class everyone (if you don't change it) is shown for all profiles, except for the default profile (can be configured). To specify if a module should be for a certain profile add this profile to the classes data. For multiple profiles separate the names with a space. Note: the class names are case sensitive.

This can be done like so:

    module: 'example_module',
    // Set your classes here separated by a space.
    // Shown for all profiles and for the default profile
    classes: 'default everyone'
    module: 'example_module2',
    // Only shown for me
    classes: 'Brian'

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
defaultClass The name of the class which should be shown on startup and when there is no current profile.

Possible values: string
Default value: "default"
everyoneClass The name of the class which should be shown for every profile.

Possible values: string
Default value: "everyone"
includeEveryoneToDefault Determines if the default class includes the classes that everyone has.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
alwaysShowLeave Determines if a leaveMessage should be shown when switching between two custom profiles (excluding defaultClass).

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
animationDuration The duration (in milliseconds) of the show and hide animation.

Possible values: int
Default value: 1000
ignoreModules The module names and classes to ignore when switching profiles. Can be one string with multiple classes splitted with spaces or a string array.

Note: It's wise to add the two default values to the ignoreModules array, else you won't be able to view incomming alerts/notifications and updates. alert can be omitted if you want different profiles to have different notifications.
Possible values: string or string array
Default value: ["alert", "updatenotification"]
title Determines if the title in the notifications should be present. If this value is set to a string it will replace the default title.

Possible values: true, false or string
Default value: true
enterMessages The notification message that will be shown when we switch to a different profile. See Configuring Profile Messages for more information.

Possible values: Object with profiles or false
Default value: {}
leaveMessages The notification message that will be shown when we switch to the defaultClass. See Configuring Profile Messages for more information.

Possible values: Object with profiles or false
Default value: {}
includeEveryoneMessages Determines if the messages for everyone should also be added to the possible messages for profiles that have custome messages.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
useLockStrings Determines whether or not to use lockStrings.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: true.
defaultTime The default time (in microseconds) when none is set for a profile in timers.

Possible values: number
Default value: 60000 (60 seconds)
timers Timers for different profiles. A timer lets you automatically swap to a different profile after a certain amount of time. See Configuring Timers for more information.

Possible values: Object with timers or undefined
Default value: undefined

Configuring Profile Messages

We can set a custom messages for each of the profiles in a number of ways. If multiple messages are set for one single profile then a random. You can change them by setting a value for the enterMessages or leaveMessages config. In these custom messages the substring %profile% will be replaced with the current profile.

The enter messages will be shown upon changing to a different profile. This can either be from defaultClass or from a custom profile. The leave message will be shown when we change profile to the defaultClass or a custom profile if alwaysShowLeave is true. Here %profile% will be the profile that is leaving.

Note: in these example I always assumed that includeEveryoneMessages was false.

Disabling Messages

Set the value to false for the profiles you don't want to have a message. In order to disable a leave or enter message entirely you can, instead of using a dictionary, set this value to false. Example:

config: {
    // Disable the enter messages for me, but not the others
    enterMessages: {
        "Brian": false
    // Disable the leave messages entirely
    leaveMessages: false

Setting Message For A Single Profile

Setting custom messages for a single profile can be done by using a string or an array of string as value. If there are multiple options, a random message will be chosen.

config: {
    enterMessages: {
        // I will have only one message.
        "Brian": "You again?!?!",
        // Kevin has two portions
        "Kevin": ["Oh hello.", "Hey how is it going?"]

Changing Messages For Multiple profiles

Setting or disabling the message for multiple profiles can be done in the same way with the profile names separated with a space. Example:

config: {
    // Customize the enter messages for me and Kevin
    // %profile% will be replaced with the correct name
    enterMessages: {
        "Brian Kevin": "What's up %profile%?", // We both have this message
        "Brian": ["Yo!", "Hey!"], // I have two additional messages
        "Kevin": "Having a nice day?" // Kevin has one additional message

Changing Messages For Everyone

To change the message for everyone you will have to do the same thing, but as key use the value of everyoneClass. To use the default message for a single or multiple profiles, set the value to true. Note: Using true for everyone is the same as not assigning it. Example:

config: {
    everyoneClass: "everyone" //same as default, for illustration only
    // Disable the enter messages for everyone but me and Kevin
    enterMessages: {
        "Brian": true, // I have the default message
        "Kevin": "Hello :D", // Kevin has a custom message
        "everyone": false
    // Everyone has a custom message
    leaveMessages: {
        // %profile% will be replaced with the correct name
        "everyone": "Hey %person%, already leaving?",
        // I have a custom and the default message
        //  this is not the same as everyone since we changed it
        "Brian": ["Bye bye!", true]

Configuring Timers

A timer is for switching to a different profile after a certain profile has been selected. Each timer is an object/dictionairy and must have the profile name and has an optional profile name to switch to and an optional time. If no profile to switch to is set the timer will use defaultClass. If no time is set then it will use defaultTime. A few examples:

timers: {
    // when Brian is selected swap to the defaultClass after the defaultTime
    "Brian": {},

    // When Lisa is selected swap to Brian after 20 seconds
    "Lisa": {
        profile: "Brian",
        time: 20 * 1000

    // When Kevin is selected swap to the defaultClass after the 5 seconds
    "Kevin": {
        time: 5 * 1000

    // When default is selected swap to Lisa after the defaultTime
    "default": {
        profile: "Lisa"

Note: this example will create a loop (default-Lisa-Brian).

Switching Profiles

Switching Profiles can be done by sending a notification with the payload being the desired profile. Like so (replace 'DESIRED_PROFILE_NAME_HERE' with your profile name):


Using With Other Modules

Since this module uses notifications, as described in Switching profiles, it can easily be used in conjunction with other modules.

MMM-ModuleScheduler by Ian Perrin

You can switch to a profile on a certain given time by scheduling a notification in the MMM-ModulesScheduler's config. For example like so:

    module: 'MMM-ModuleScheduler',
    config: {
        notification_schedule: [
            {notification: 'CURRENT_PROFILE', schedule: '30 7 * * *', payload: 'Day'},
            {notification: 'CURRENT_PROFILE', schedule: '30 23 * * *', payload: 'Night'},

Note: If you have useLockStrings on true and you want to unhide a module you will have to force it.

MMM-Facial-Recognition by Paviro

Note: Paviro and I made some changes to use these two modules together more convenient. Once we are sure it fully works I will update this guide.

Using the MMM-Facial-Recognition module and MMM-ProfileSwitcher together does not work straight out of the box. In order for MMM-Facial-Recognition to use the MMM-ProfileSwitcher module we will have to change a few lines of the code in the MMM-Facial-Recognition module's javascript file. This file can be found in (after installing his module):


Here we will have to remove the lines. Since his translations are not being used anymore we can also delete these lines (the getTranslations function). Since we will be removing all his code inside the notificationReceived function, we might remove that one as well.

The lines are (all inclusive):

34-37, 53-65, 69-81, 100-103, 110-119 and 39-50 (translations)

If you removed the getTranslations method as mentioned above you can also safely delete the translation folder.


Lastly you will have to edit two of his calls to the sendNotification function on lines 65 and 81. We will have to change CURRENT_USER into CURRENT_PROFILE and "None" into the defaultClass, which has to have the same value as the profile switcher module's defaultClass. At the end the logout and login functions should look like this:

// Code from paviro's MMM-Facial-Recognition
login_user: function () {
    this.sendNotification("CURRENT_PROFILE", this.current_user);
logout_user: function () {
    this.sendNotification("CURRENT_PROFILE", this.config.defaultClass);

And then you should be done!

MagicMirror-LocalTransport-Module by CFenner

The MagicMirror-LocalTransport-Module module does not work (without a fix) with the MMM-ProfileSwitcher. This due to his code overwriting a variable that it a default variable used by the MagicMirror Framework and my code need this. Luckily this problem can be solved fairly easily with any text editor.

Go to the module's main file localtransport.js and replace the occurences of with

Note: There should be three occurences on lines 170, 204 and 209.

Side note: I have send him a pull request with this fix as well so hopefully this will be solved in the future.

Current Supported Languages

  • English
  • German
  • Dutch
  • Swedish (thanks to Snille)
  • Spanish (thanks to roramirez)


  • Using MagicMirror-LocalTransport-Module by CFenner results in this module to break. See Using With Other Modules for a fix.
  • All the profile names are case sensitive.
  • Multiple messages for a single profile will result in a randomly chosen message.
  • If no class is set then it will never show, unless it is added to the ignoreModules array.
  • It's wise to add alert and updatenotification to the ignoreModules array.
  • Using true for everyone is the same as not assigning it.
  • If you have useLockStrings set to true and you want to unhide a certain module you will have to force it.

Notes For Other Developers

  • A CHANGED_PROFILE notifcation will be send after the current_user was modified.
  • The timers can be disabled/enabled by sending an DISABLE_PROFILE_TIMERS / ENABLE_PROFILE_TIMERS notifcation with an empty payload.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Brian Janssen

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.