RailsTwitterClone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RailsTwitterClone copied to clipboard

Simple Twitter clone using Ruby on Rails 6.

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Rails Twitter Clone

Simple Twitter clone using Ruby on Rails 6.

Twitter Clone Screen Capture


This implementation is based on Ruby on Rails Tutorial by @mhartl.

Supported Ruby version

  • v3.1
  • v3.0
  • v2.7


Check out this repository and then,

$ bin/setup

Start Rails server

$ bin/rails server


This application doesn't provide many features in order to keep it simple. Here are the features that it does include:

  • See TimeLine
  • Post new Tweet with image
  • Follow/Unfollow User
  • Edit user profile

Used gem


  • webpacker
  • @rails/ujs


  • bootstrap (v5)


  • sqlite3

For testing

  • rspec
  • capybara
  • factory_bot
  • faker
  • simplecov

For debugging

  • bullet
  • debug
  • rack-mini-profiler
  • rubocop
  • web-console

See more details on Gemfile.


$ bundle exec rspec

Data reset and sample data creation

$ bin/rails db:reset    # Data reset
$ bin/rails db:populate # Create sample data

Other Resources