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[bug] various issues in ActiveAdmin inteface
I just noticed a number of bug, missing pages in the activeAdmin interface for administration. Need to look into it.
[X] - ActiveAdmin doesn't allow deletion of a user that has points linked to it as it violates the Postgres rules (foreign key violation) see #199 [ ] - impossible to create manually a user => redirection fails as it is still on localhost (for whatever reasons but changes are committed)
Opened a question on stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47938342/rails-active-admin-redirections-on-update-users-reroot-to-localhost?noredirect=1#comment82850412_47938342
We don't use ActiveAdmin anymore, right? Can this be closed?
We do, but not on an active way. I installed it only to have a visual on general account registration and account managing. Can be closed, I haven't looked into it for a while.
OK, so then it's still accurate but not urgent; I'll leave it open, but without the 'bug' tag! :)
Thanks !