puppet-cron copied to clipboard
Puppet module to manage cron jobs via /etc/cron.d
Hi, I have puppet 3.8 with ruby 2.3 on CentOS 6.x and when i want fech this module over r10k.. ``` mod 'cron', :git => 'https://github.com/torrancew/puppet-cron', :tag => 'v0.2.0' ```...
Currently the permissions for daily, hourly, and monthly are all 0644, while weekly is 0640. Recommending it is updated to 0644 to be uniform across the board unless there is...
This could resolve #51. The 'lsb*' facts need the tool `lsb_release`, which on my CentOS 6 system was not present and had some non-trivial dependencies. The `operatingsystemmajrrelease` is equivalent per...
``` [puppetserver] Puppet Unknown variable: '::lsbmajdistrelease'. at /srv/puppet/environments/production/modules/cron/manifests/install.pp:20:45 ```
Hi, it seems that you forgot to set a tag on your last release. Currently the latest tag is version 0.2.0 and this version is not compatible with Puppet 4x...
Allows mentioning what the job does, to end up in the template
This pull request adds a possibility of Hiera based configuration by adding parameters to base cron class and creating resources based on those parameters.
PSBM is Parallels Server for Bare Metal, PSBM and CloudLinux are both using cronie instead of cron