Anthony Elder

Results 43 comments of Anthony Elder

Thanks for the quick reply. Ok, so a simple ESP8266/Arduino example might connect to Wifi with: ``` WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin("someSSID", "somePassword"); ``` So I add those to the example and...

As this issue has been closed now should I open a new one for the Wifi question?

Yes I did run again. This is whats in ``` root@240e8789861a:/ant/my-project# find . | grep binding ./src/ ./vendor/esp8266-hal/src/ root@240e8789861a:/ant/my-project# cat ./src/ /* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */ #![allow(non_snake_case,non_camel_case_types,non_upper_case_globals)]...

Is it because [this]( only supports the digital pin operations so any other ESP8266 functions would need some similar code implemented in somewhere like the esp8266-hal crate?

I'm a bit of a Rust newbie. I've no idea how this works, so can you or someone give me any hints? I can have ```WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);``` in my Arduino C...

Could you use bit shift instead of the division -

> The loop shouldn't take that long. Did you try it, then, and it crashed? No I haven't tried it, just use ESP's a lot so wary of loops like...

I agree, all the conditional macros pain me when reading the code. I don't have an answer right now but will think about it.

Did you ever get anywhere with this?

Ok, I've tried that I think. Here is a smaller set of training data for the phrase 'Marvin' - [marvin-files.tar]( And then running: ```precise-train -e 60 marvin```, ```precise-train-incremental