formable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
formable copied to clipboard

Describe and validate DTOs with ease

This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the package instead.

Formable Symfony Bundle

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Because the cleanest way to transfer data from a web request to the domain is by using DTOs. For simple DTOs Symfony forces you to create 2 classes, the FormType class and the SomethingDTO class.


This Bundle allows you to describe DTOs by the annotation @Formable(). Let's see an example.


The Data Transfer Object

use Formable\Definition\Formable;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class PublishPostCommand
     * @Formable(name="title", dataType="text")
     * @Assert\Length(max=250)
    public $title;

     * @Formable(name="content", dataType="text")
    public $content;

     * @Formable(name="tags", dataType="collection", options={
     *   "type"="text",
     *   "allow_add"=true
     * })
     * @Assert\Count(
     *   min = "2"
     * )
    public $tags;

     * @Formable(name="date", dataType="date", options={
     *   "widget"="single_text",
     *   "format"="yyyy-M-d"
     * })
    public $date;

Embedded DTOs

     * @var
     * @Formable(name="moneyDTO", class="Formable\Tests\Integration\DTOs\TestMoneyDTO")
    public $moneyDTO;

The Controller

public function publishAction(Request $request)
    $publishCommand = new PublishPostCommand();
    $publishCommand->date = new \DateTime('now');
    $form = $this->get('trt.formable')->generate($publishCommand);
    $form->submit($request->request->all(), false /* Do not clear missing data */);
    if ($form->isValid()) {

The annotation in depth

The @Formable() annotation follows the Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface interface.


  • name: [string] the field name
  • dataType: [string] the FormType
  • options: [array] the FormType options
     * @Formable(name="date", dataType="date", options={
     *   "format"= IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM,
     *   "days" = {1,2,3,4}
     * })
    public $date;


composer require trt/formable

// Register the Bundle

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new \Formable\Bundle\FormableBundle(),

        return $bundles;


Run tests
