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Extra docs for Statamic static site generation
There were issues I ran into and had to resolve when using Statamic with their Static Site Generation plugin. This isn't an issue with Torchlight exactly but with how SSG is performed in the plugin.
When generating the pages via php please ssg:generate
, views are generated with the raw Torchlight placeholders:

After creating a Statamic custom page generator and forcing the page to be rendered in full by manually calling the RenderTorchlight
middleware, we get the full HTML code snippets:

Results can be seen here:
Here's the code for forcing code generation:
// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
use App\CustomGenerator;
use Statamic\StaticSite\Tasks;
use Statamic\Facades\Markdown;
use Statamic\StaticSite\Generator;
use Torchlight\Commonmark\V2\TorchlightExtension;
* Bootstrap any application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
Markdown::addExtension(function () {
return new TorchlightExtension;
$this->app->singleton(Generator::class, function ($app) {
return new CustomGenerator($app, $app['files'], $app['router'], $app[Tasks::class]);
// app/CustomGenerator.php
namespace App;
use Statamic\StaticSite\Generator;
class CustomGenerator extends Generator
protected function createPage($content)
return new CustomPage($this->files, $this->config, $content);
// app/CustomPage.php
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Statamic\StaticSite\GeneratedPage;
use Statamic\StaticSite\Page;
use Torchlight\Middleware\RenderTorchlight;
class CustomPage extends Page
protected function write($request)
$response = (new RenderTorchlight())->handle($request, function ($request) {
try {
$response = $this->content->toResponse($request);
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
$response = $e->getResponse();
throw_unless($response instanceof RedirectResponse, $e);
// This has to be set/overridden, as additional pages being generated
// by Statamic SSG will have a `null` content type and Torchlight
// relies on this to return the full response instead of Blade.
$response->headers->set('content-type', 'html');
return $response;
$html = $response->getContent();
if (! $this->files->exists($this->directory())) {
$this->files->makeDirectory($this->directory(), 0755, true);
$this->files->put($this->path(), $html);
return new GeneratedPage($this, $response);
I hope this helps someone who is looking to do the same thing! 😄
Steve this is amazing, thank you for taking the time to write this up. I'll add it to the docs, I really really appreciate it!
Thanks for the tip to look at this issue for a solution @joshuablum. I have a pair of red underlines in my code that prevents this from working.
Markdown::addExtension(function () {
return new TorchlightExtension;
Undefined type 'App\Providers\Markdown' And
Undefined type 'Torchlight\Commonmark\V2\TorchlightExtension'`
Hope you can point me in the right way.
Looks like you might have forgotten to import Statamic's Markdown
facade, @mbootsman?
Try to add use Statamic\Facades\Markdown;
, like mentioned here and here.
Thanks @joshuablum -- I missed that import in the example, I've added it in 👍
Don't worry, it's nothing more than a Facade, @stevebauman. Thanks for the great work, really appreciated!
I am shocked... SHOOK! ... to see that these classes are not final
lmao I would rather DIE @simonhamp