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Warning: currently chai-react-suite is not tested well on different enviorments. It works for my project, but may not play well for your's. Please open issue if you have problems.

Testing components


  • describeComponent (render function and helpers)
  • Ensure that component render given text
  • Ensure that component's el/nested el has given class/text/attr
  • Ensure that component renders another component with given props/children
  • Ensure that component render collection of components (with props/children)
  • Ensure that component bind events
  • Ensure that component bind events
  • Ensure that component calls given actions
  • Testing component mixins


describeComponent is a helper that simplify process of testing components. Basically it does:

  1. Prepares playground on beforeEach (you will have empty block where you can render component in test).
  2. Creates render function that accepts props and children and that returns rendered DOM el; render passed as first argument to context function.
  3. Passes helpers to context function as second argument.
var Component = rewire('component');

describeComponent(Component, function(render, helpers) {
  // Tests here.


It accepts:

  1. props - Object with props that will be passed to component (optional, can be null),
  2. children - *, children that will be passed to component (optional).
// Will render described component with `{ color: 'red' }` as props and
// `'Children'` as children.
render({ color: 'red' }, 'Children');

render have with function that binds props and children to render:

var bindedRender = render.with({ color: 'red' }, 'Children');
// Will render described component with `{ color: 'red' }` as props and
// `'Children'` as children.



Ensure that component render given text

it('renders children as text', function() {
  var text = 'Check, check, 1, 2, 3.';
  expect(render.with(null, text)).to.render.text(text);

Ensure that component's el/nested el has given class/text/attr

Compound expectation

Root element:

it('renders link with "is-red" class for `color` equals "red"', function() {
  expect(render.with({ color: 'red' }, 'Click me!')).to.render.el({
    is: '.is-red',
    href: '#',
    text: 'Click me!'

Nested element:

it('renders link with "is-red" class for `color` equals "red"', function() {
  expect(render.with({ color: 'red' }, 'Click me!')).to.render.el({
    find: 'a',
    is: '.is-red',
    href: '#',
    text: 'Click me!',
    props: {
      disabled: false,
      value: 'Value'

Has class name


Match selector


Attr expectation

expect(render).to.render.el.withAttr('href', '#');

Attrs expectation

  href: '#',
  rel: 'link'

Prop expectation

expect(render).to.render.el.withProp('disabled', false);

Props expectation

  disabled: false,
  value: 'Value'

Has value

expect(render).to.render.el.withValue('Input value');

Nested el


Ensure that component renders another component with given props/children


it('renders another component', function() {

Component with props and children (expect props equality):

it('renders another component with specified props and children', function() {
  expect(render).to.render.component('AnotherComponent', {
    with: [
        type: 'test',
        color: 'red'

Fuzzy match of props:

it('renders another component with specified props and children', function() {
  expect(render).to.render.component('AnotherComponent', {
    with: [
        type: 'test',
        color: 'red'

Ensure that component render collection of components (with props/children)

Works the same way as component but instead of props and children as second and thrid arguments it accepts array of arrays.

it('renders another component with specified props and children', function() {
    expect(render).to.render.components('AnotherComponent', {
      with: [
        [{ type: 'test', color: 'red' }, 'Text'],
        [{ type: 'test', color: 'green' }, 'Text']

Ensure that component bind events


Ensure that component calls given actions


Testing component mixins