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types.MappingProxyType isn't read-only in nested sections of dict
The "new interesting data types" file claims that types.MappingProxyType
can be used to pass a dict to functions without the risk of it being modified. However, this is only true about the top level properties of the dict. Any nested properties/structures can still be modified as the following example demonstrates:
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In [1]: import types
In [2]: d = {
...: 'a': 1,
...: 'b': {'c': 2}
...: }
In [3]: p = types.MappingProxyType(d)
# NOTE that top-level properties are protected
In [4]: p['a'] = 9
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-5c54e242859d> in <module>
----> 1 p['a'] = 9
TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment
# *** But nested structures are not protected, therefore the dict is not read-only!
In [5]: p['b']['c'] = 20
In [6]: p
Out[6]: mappingproxy({'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 20}})
In [7]: