Minecraft Mod topic
Published by Mojang, Minecraft is a game that allows its players virtually unlimited creative and building authority in their 3D cube world.
Mods (short for modifications) change Minecraft​'s game content in some way, such as to make minor adjustments to the game's mechanics or implement entirely new features.
A huge collection of vanilla tweaks and small features for both Fabric and Forge.
Control OpenComputers robots without writing any code!
A standalone rewrite of FrogCraft, an IC2 Addon with theme of chemical industry, starting from scratch.
Minecraft mod that shows what you are looking at. (Hwyla fork)
Kiwi is a Minecraft modding library designed to help developers focus on content creation instead of repetitive work.
Applied Energistics 2 for your SpigotMC server!
Adds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric and Quilt. The zoom is yours!
EvergreenHUD is a Minecraft mod which improves upon your heads up display. It also features an intuitive addons API so external developers can create their own awesome elements.
A Minecraft Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..