knn-classification topic
This project is for classification of emotions using EEG signals recorded in the DEAP dataset to achieve high accuracy score using machine learning algorithms such as Support vector machine and K -...
Diabetes Prediction is my weekend practice project. In this I used KNN Neighbors Classifier to trained model that is used to predict the positive or negative result. Given set of inputs are BMI(Body M...
Heart disease prediction and Kidney disease prediction. The whole code is built on different Machine learning techniques and built on website using Django
Face Recognition Project made in Machine Learning using KNN algorithm and open cv for python
โค้ดประกอบเนื้อหา Python Machine Learning เบื้องต้น
COVID-19 Question Dataset from the paper "What Are People Asking About COVID-19? A Question Classification Dataset"
Machine learning is widely used in bioinformatics and particularly in breast cancer diagnosis. In this project, certain classification methods such as K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) and Support Vector Mac...
Notebooks and Python about data science
Computer Vision - Impemented algorithms - Hybrid image, Corner detection, Scale space blob detection, Scene classifiers, Vanishing point detection, Finding height of an object, Image stitching.
DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY FROM FUNDUS IMAGES USING SVM, KNN, and attention-based CNN models with GradCam score for interpretability,