hms topic
HMS Core is an assortment of open device and cloud capabilities provided by HMS, dedicated to helping developers build high-quality apps with minimal hassle. Noteworthy capabilities include: Account Kit, In-App Purchases (IAP), Push Kit, Game Service, Location Kit, Map Kit, Ads Kit, and ML Kit.
HUAWEI HMS meachine learning services demo apk download.
HUAWEI Video Editor Kit provides full video editing functions like video import/export, editing and rendering. This sample code is used to describe how to integrate the Video Editor Kit SDK.
HUAWEI Ads SDK sample code. HUAWEI Ads SDK provides the banner, native, rewarded, interstitial and splash ad formats for integration.
This repo contains all of Cordova HMS plugins.
Huawei Push Kit sample code for Android client. HUAWEI Push Kit is a messaging service provided by Huawei for developers. It establishes a messaging channel from the cloud to devices.
This repo contains all of Xamarin HMS plugins.
It is a Hotel Management System that developed with Django - Python. Database tables have been created according to normalization rules.
Various scanner use cases using Firebase or HMS ML-Kit
Complete guide to adding support for Huawei's mobile services and distribution platform into your apps that are already published on Google Play.
It is a library that provides a common interface for mobile services for Android developers. Its aim is removing special mobile service dependencies for your app code.