egui topic
egui (pronounced "e-gooey") is a simple, fast, and highly portable immediate mode GUI library for Rust. egui runs on the web, natively, and in your favorite game engine.
egui aims to be the easiest-to-use Rust GUI library, and the simplest way to make a web app in Rust.
egui can be used anywhere you can draw textured triangles, which means you can easily integrate it into your game engine of choice.
A digital clock for desktop popup every half hour written in rust, support 20-20-20 rule. 每隔半小時彈出一次的桌面電子時鐘 Windows / Mac
Egui + winit + wgpu + android example
An advanced scientific text calculator.
a day-planner/calendar app based on egui
Interactive graph visualization widget for rust powered by egui and petgraph
High-performance, multi-platform, type-safe programming language designed for visual development